You’ve made it through fall semester, your finals are almost done and you’re on a one way track to the freedom of home; congratulations, you’ve made it to winter break! Every collegiette™ has plenty of things to look forward to this break – snuggling in your own bed, seeing your family, attending holiday gatherings and meeting your new boyfriend’s family on Christmas eve. Yikes! Did we just say meeting the family? Yup. If you’re anything like me, collegiettes™, there is at least one aspect of the holidays giving you some serious anxiety but don’t get your festively themed undergarments too far in a twist; HerCampus is here to help!
I’m going to give you to oldest advice in the collegiette™ handbook: be yourself! Show off your interests, quirks and sense of humor and everyone is bound to be impressed with you! Never try to be someone you’re not for the sake of gaining the approval of the family, you’ll only end up upsetting yourself.
If you’re unsure about whether to get someone a gift, realize there are no general rules about whether you have to purchase a gift. Generally, if you are going to be a gift in someone’s home you should thank him or her by bringing something. This something could be as simple as bringing a dessert dish for after dinner. Try to remember to keep the gifts appropriate – don’t get your boss a coconut bra.
If you’re worried about breaking your bank while shopping for the many people in your life, try to get group gift exchanges worked out among groups of similar friends.Secret Santas (or snowflakes!) always work great and everyone ends up receiving a gift, and games such as “White Elephant” are always a hit. Don’t be shy about gift giving; spread the holiday cheer around!
You all know what I’m talking about. Your great-grandma asks you for the thousandth time when she can expect great-great-grandchildren, your Uncle Tony (because let’s face it, if you’re Italian, you have an Uncle Tony) refuses to stop with the inappropriate jokes, and there is always some relative you’ve never seen before but they seem to very vividly remember you when “you were this big.”
HCJMU’s advice? Suck it up. Unfortunately, these gatherings are going to be awkward and sometimes downright painful. But they will end, and they do make good stories. Smile, make small talk about your chosen major, and try a bite of Aunt Millie’s latest culinary catastrophe – everyone at the party will be impressed by your social poise and maturity.
The memories made at these gatherings are memories many people would kill to have and remember, things could always be worse. You will live and you will soon be back and laughing with your besties about your weird Uncle Ralph.
In short, keep a level head and remember to breathe. You’re a strong and sassy college girl who can totally handle a little holiday hiccup. Sure, the holidays may be stressful but there’s always something soothing about a cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace, don’t you think?