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The Importance of Taking Every Opportunity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

I’m a senior in college who wants to do everything but is also afraid of doing everything.


So let’s rewind a second. Humor me and think back to when this scenario applies to you.

It’s freshman year and you are standing in your new dorm room. Your stuff is here but it doesn’t quite feel like home yet.


You are filled with this unidentifiable fire that makes you want to do everything and nothing all at once.


Everything: because life is finally yours and the world seems big. For once every cool thing you’ve always wanted to try is at your fingertips. Equally, Nothing: because there are so many options and you are one small person in a large sea of people. What if you try something that you don’t like? What if you mess up? What if you waste time? What if… (And this is totally outlandish and unheard of)… You are afraid?



Let me clue you in a bit first. There’s nothing crazy about being afraid. Everyone is afraid of something but there should only be a healthy fear of taking chances and not a crippling anxiety that turns you away from them.


I bet that ambitious/ scared freshman is still inside of you in a way. Or maybe you aren’t there yet, but you will be. Nearly everyone will be in some way shape or form and that my friends, is our power. We aren’t alone in this fear.


Reflecting on my last 3 years of college there is one thing that has really stood out to me. Once I let go of the fear of blatant failure, my life felt a lot more like my own. My social circles got wider, my travels became more extensive, my work became more fulfilling. This is all because I took a teensy step out of my comfort zone and just went for it.


However, this wasn’t an overnight realization for me. It wasn’t until I went out on a whim and applied to work at Disney (pursuing my dreams) that things started falling into place.


I looked the thing I wanted the most in the eye and risked the most devastating rejection I could face all for the sake of taking control of my life.


Once you put yourself out there many doors will open for you I promise. One thing will lead to another and opportunities will come at you with rapid fire. It’s your responsibility to say yes and allow these good things to happen to you. Say yes to everything that will make you happy (but don’t take on more than you can handle).



I applied to work for Disney which led to the most incredible work experience of my life. I fell in love while living in Florida and later began dating this very someone in London where he lives. I earlier applied to study abroad in London and got accepted leading to a work opportunity as a program advisor overseas for my university. Living in London allowed me to travel to Turkey, Paris, Ireland, and Scotland. It also allowed me to meet incredible friends.


None of these things would’ve fallen into place for me had I not taken that first step of trusting myself to take a chance. I’m so happy with my life right now and I hope you can say the same. If you aren’t there yet… You’ll get there. Start by taking a chance and opening some new doors. Take it from me… You truly never know where they’ll lead.




I am a Junior at James Madison University studying Media Arts & Design. I recently completed an internship with Walt Disney World Resorts in Orlando, FL and plan to pursue a full time position with the company post grad. I love reading, writing, photography and videography.
Hello, it's me. Edel (pronounced like the singer), was previously Assistant Social Editor, Video for Her Campus Media. She graduated in May 2018  from James Madison University in with a double major in Media Arts and Design and Communications Studies. Before joining the HC girl gang full-time she was the Campus Correspondent for the JMU Her Campus Chapter. She's an avid social media user, food enthusiast, and shopping extraordinaire. You can catch her taking a coffee break or binge-watching romantic comedies on Netflix.