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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

With the school year fully back in swing, I’ve definitely found my routine again. One part of this routine is finding the time to exercise. Taking advantage of everything, literally everything, UREC has to offer makes working out so much more fun. I just went to the walk-in circuit training (offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays) and I love it! Zumba and 20/20/20 classes are the best too, because you get an amazing workout and can sign up for classes with your friends.

Hitting the pool to swim some laps is also refreshing; did you know that at the lifeguard desk there are pre-written workouts? If you don’t have time to make it to UREC, take a spin around the Quad in between studying or run to Purcell or the Arboretum. Think about exercise as something beneficial for your mind, body, and spirit. Make your work-out time for you– you deserve it after all! 

Chantal Johnson is a senior at James Madison University, studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema. Aside from Her Campus JMU, she is involved with University Program Board. Chantal loves hanging out with her friends, listening to her "feel good" playlist on her iPod, or just curling up with a really good book in her spare time. Chantal loves her hometown, Roanoke,Virginia, but can't wait to graduate and explore her opportunities around the world! Within the next 10 years, Chantal's dream job would be becoming "the next Shonda Rhimes"!