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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Name: Simeon David Conley

Major: Business

Year: Junior

Hometown: Newport News, VA

Relationship Status: Single



Where would someone be most likely to find you on campus?

I’m mainly in Showker or UREC. I really enjoy doing and teaching yoga at UREC, too.

What is your best JMU memory so far?

Some of my best memories at JMU have been playing intramural soccer games with friends and with brothers in the fraternity league.

What qualities do you look for in a girl?

Some character traits that I find really attractive in a girl are having goals, a passion for fitness/wellbeing, and good self-esteem.

If there is a girl in your sights, how do you go about “courting” her?

If there is a girl in my sights I would most likely invite her to workout with me and then make her a dinner consisting of multiple courses.

What’s on your schedule for Valentine’s Day?

I currently have no plans for Valentine’s Day.

Fun facts about Sim: I was a part of a National speech & debate club in high school and competed against other kids in tournaments from around the nation.  I was homeschooled from kindergarten. I’m pretty athletic. I’ve played soccer since I was 6 and was a referee for 6 years. Oh, and my arm span is 6’7″.

Have you ever thought "Am I the only one who..."? I'm sure you have, and I promise you're not. Live the life you love. I don't take things too seriously, because life is too short to be so obsessed with what everyone thinks of me. I became a writer so I could say what everyone else is thinking. I believe that treating others the way you want to be treated means you will never have to regret a decision you make. I make mistakes, but that's what makes great articles!
I am a junior at JMU studying Media Arts & Design- Corporate Communication. I am a member of Phi Mu Fraternity in addition to Her Campus! I was born in Troy, OH and grew up in both Kings Mountain, NC and Richmond, VA. I am the oldest child, the only blonde in my immediate family, and the only one who has 20/20 vision.Â