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Simple Steps to Sustainability

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Some see sustainable living is just a current fad, nevertheless, we should all hop on the trend of sustainability because our planet depends on it. 

Currently, 17.6 billion pounds of plastic waste makes its way to the ocean every year. This includes all of your plastic water bottles, food wrappers, toothbrushes, and many more single-use plastics you carelessly throw away.  

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of it too. Many times I don’t give a second thought to what I toss in the trashcan. However, recently I have become more conscious about how much I contribute to the waste in our oceans. So I have recently made some lifestyle changes. 

Here are some small steps towards sustainability, that are easy enough for you to switch over to as well:


Reusable Water Bottle 

Drinking water is super important for your health, but that doesn’t mean you have to be wasteful about it! There are tons of reusable water bottles at a variety of prices. You can refill them essentially anywhere, even some restaurants will agree to fill them. A small little step that will help save you money and the environment! 


Bamboo Toothbrushes 

It’s important to brush your teeth and to keep good hygiene you should replace your toothbrush frequently. However, the 300 toothbrushes we’ll use in our lifetime will just end up floating in the oceans and greatly affecting the wildlife. Therefore consider switching to a biodegradable option! They’re around the same price and work just the same.


Reuseable Makeup Removing Pads

Although typical makeup wipes are not plastic, they are still extremely wasteful. Reusable makeup removing pads work great just with a little water or witch hazel. Easy to clean and easy to use, personally I like them more than regular makeup wipes. 

Here’s a link to Byrdie’s review video! 



Reusable Food Storage and Reusable Bags

When storing food, steer away from one-time plastics. Tupperware can store all kinds of food and can be tossed into the dishwasher instead of the trashcan. When grocery shopping, grab a tote or reuse other grocery bags to avoid the cycle of single-use plastics. 

While some of these things may not seem convenient as the disposable options, the oceans filled with trash is not convenient for the wellbeing of our planet. So please consider making a few changes for the betterment of the Earth. 

Graduated the Math and Science High School at Clover Hill in 2018 Attends James Madison University, majoring in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema
Lexie is a marketing & music gal, who enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, drinks an alarming amount of cold brew & loves going to concerts!