Despite your best efforts to conserve money, the funds are bound run out eventually.
Don’t panic though; it may seem like your dining dollars were your lifeline this semester, but you will survive. Here are some tips for getting through finals with little-to-no dining dollars.
1. Stock up at Walmart
Think about all the things you might be tempted to buy if you were studying on campus at night… Buy them at a grocery store and then bring them to campus with you! Fun fact: One carton of International Delight Iced Coffee costs $3.88 at Walmart and will sustain your iced coffee needs for a few days.
2. Use those punches
If you have a meal plan, you should have a surplus of punches this week, especially if you’re going home before Thursday! Use them to buy snacks and beverages at Dukes, Festival, Market One etc.! Dining hall hours get weird during finals week, so make sure to use them early!
3. Take advantage of E-hall and D-hall
Sneak as much food out of these dining halls as you can! Sandwiches, pizza, cookies, fruits, and more will all be helpful when you’re looking for a snack. You might feel a little weird pulling out your Tupperware in the library, but it’s worth it.
4. Study in your dorm/apartment
Staying away from the libraries/places that sell food and beverages is the best way to save money, but we all know this isn’t always feasible.
5. Choose Dunkin’ Over Starbucks
This tip applies if you still have some dining but not a lot. Coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts is generally less expensive than that from Starbucks, so if you don’t have a strong allegiance to either of the brands, this can be helpful.