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Ten Things I Want To Do Before I Graduate

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

On May 13th I will be graduating with my bachelor’s in writing. It is terrifying and amazing at the same time, but more terrifying. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact I am 22 years old and I began college when I was 18 years old. I never believed college would change me, but it has in the best way. 

Since I’m graduating I figured it was time to make a quick last semester bucket list. Here are ten things I want to do before I graduate in May.

  1. Jump in the fountain. I spent most of my time at Carrier Library studying so it only makes sense that I jump in the fountain. 
  2. Order a drink from every bar downtown. I’ve made it my mission to have one drink from every bar. I’m halfway there.
  3. Visit my freshman year dorm. My first year here was life-changing. I have to go back to the spot that started the best experience of my life!
  4. Publish six more Her Campus articles. This club has been amazing for me and I have had so much fun being Campus Correspondent this year. I am determined to give it my best this last semester!
  5. Get a picture with Duke Dog. I have one picture with the mascot freshman year and it would be so fun to see how much I’ve changed.
  6. Attend a basketball game. Football games are fun, but I love to watch basketball! After our win against the University of Virginia, I need to go one more time.
  7. Go to Carrier Library more. I have spent most of my time at the library, but I need to spend a little bit more. My last semester will be my best.
  8. Reconnect and go out with my freshman roommates one last time. I miss my freshman year roommates a lot. We were able to start our college journey together and bonded over the lack of AC. I’ll miss them.
  9. Say yes to every chance to hang out with my friends. No more excuses for being tired or that I have too much homework. I’ll never get these opportunities again and it’s important to take advantage of them!
  10. Say thank you to my professors. They’ve changed my life. I changed my major because of one of my professor’s freshman year. They’ve taught me so much more than I could have imagined and I appreciate all of the lessons.

 Four years seemed like a long time, looking back I realize it wasn’t long at all. I came to school as an intelligence analysis major with a minor in Russian looking to work in Washington D.C. after college. Now I am a writing, rhetoric, and technical communication with a minor in entrepreneurship working as a social media manager. There has been a complete change in my education which has changed my path in life. I am forever thankful for James Madison University.

Kate is majoring in writing, rhetoric, and technical communication and minoring in entrepreneurship. You can usually find her at Starbucks and listening to true crime podcasts.