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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

I am not (entirely) ashamed to admit that I am both a Disney Adult and an astrology-obsessed-white-woman. It is my cross to bear in this life. I provide the following as my credentials: 1) I watch a Disney princess movie at least three times a month for nostalgic purposes, and 2) I currently possess three (and counting) notebooks full of astrology observations and notes because I am determined to be an astrologer one day. I will leave it for you to decide whether those facts are valid enough to continue reading the signs as Disney princesses.

Specifically, I will be describing each of the princess’s big three (their Sun, Moon and Rising/Ascendant) so if you know your big three, be sure to check if they appear anywhere in here! Also, please ignore any sort of “canon” involving their actual birthdays, I did not look at any of that before writing this, and what I say is law.

Snow White

Moving chronologically through movie release date, we first have Snow White. The young German princess was the first full-length animated feature film that Walt Disney made in 1937, which means she’s kept in a special place in all of our hearts. She is first introduced singing about wanting to find her true love, of course, and happens to meet him while she is singing about finding him… of course. So naturally, she doesn’t stop singing about him and wanting to marry him for the rest of the movie.

This is very hopeless romantic, lover girl, daydreamer of her, which left me no other choice than to declare her a Pisces Sun. Pairing water with water, she also has a Cancer Moon, as she cares for everyone around her with the same level of care as a mother. Cancer is in domicile in the Moon, which means that her emotional intelligence comes naturally. Cancer is also the Mother of the Zodiac, which points to her ability to emotionally care for others in a maternal way. She cares for the Seven Dwarfs by cooking, cleaning, and storytelling — all roles of a mother — and she does it with the same amount of grace that the Moon would demand.

Her natural ability to get along with everyone and make sure that prejudice is nowhere to be found in her interactions with the animals of the forest, the seven dwarves, or even the evil witch, makes it obvious to me that she’s a Libra Rising. Libra represents the scales, and she treats everyone with kindness, equally. This also means she’s Venusian ruled: naturally beautiful with an intrinsic charm that others immediately fall for. I mean, she literally breaks into the dwarfs’ house to cook and clean, and they let her! Who else other than a Libra Rising would be as charming and lovely in order to get away with that, I ask you?


Next is Cinderella. Now, similarly to Snow White, she is also a woman who wants to bring fairness and peace to everyone, even her stepsisters and her stepmother who don’t treat her well. This girl is a Libra Sun in that she is constantly balancing the energies of the house. She has to balance the desires and responsibilities of her stepmother, stepsisters, the farm animals on their property, Lucifer the cat, the Prince, the mice, and herself! And she does it all with an intrinsic, semi-chaotic grace that only a Libra is capable of. Having a Venusian ruled sign in the Sun, the planet of the ego, is helpful in the matter of beauty as well. Her stepsisters were canonically quite jealous of her natural beauty, and it was one of the reasons why they hated her so much.

She is a Pisces Moon because, also like Snow White, she is a dreamer and a hopeless romantic, which was why she wanted to leave her house and go to the ball so badly to meet the prince. It also makes sense that a Pisces Moon would have a fairy godmother. Actually, I’m convinced all Pisces placements have fairy godmothers, and they’re just hiding them from us normal folk. They’re too ethereal and always thinking on another plane of existence to not have a magical being protecting them somehow.

Anyway, as far as her Rising goes, it’s definitely Cancer. The Rising sign can have an impact on your physical appearance, and since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, some Cancer Risings have been said to have round faces like the Moon. Cinderella is no exception. Plus, her dress is silver (the animation back then was unable to make it look truly silver without making it look blue, so that’s why we think it’s blue now)! That is very “My chart ruler is the luminary of the night” coded. She also cares for others around her, like the mice and the other animals, in a maternal way. Cancer is the crab, and is known for their passive-aggressive behavior when the metaphorical crab claws come out. Cinderella, herself, is sometimes throwing shade during the movie, hence the metaphorical claws. For example, when she’s telling her dog, Bruno, to be nicer to Lucifer, she tries to think of why he should, and comes up empty. To which she says, “Well there must be something good about him.” Like, there is no way Lucifer should’ve taken that shade lying down — even if it is true!


Sleeping Beauty, otherwise known as Aurora is up next. This take may be controversial, but I’m ready for any who disagree … I think she’s a Scorpio Sun. Like Snow White, she deals with the sleeping death and an evil witch who wants her dead — which death and transformation (love making her “born again”) are HUGE Scorpio themes. But unlike Snow White, there is something more secret and sinister about her story that makes her more Scorpio than Snow White had the potential to be, even though their stories are similar.

Firstly, she was from Day One, Maleficent’s primary opp. Like, she wasn’t even out of the crib before her death was already destined at 16 years old, and Scorpios are born in order to go through transformations, that’s literally what they do. Second, she only gets 18 minutes of screen time in her own movie, making her seem very mysterious, but all the characters that do get screen time never stop talking about her, making her both highly coveted but seemingly unattainable — VERY Scorpio energy. And lastly, Prince Phillip literally had to escape Maleficent’s prison, get by her goons unharmed, slash through a wall of thorns that could’ve blinded him, and slay a dragon before getting to Aurora to kiss her so she could wake up from the sleeping death. Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning that they are very stubborn and not known for their willingness to be emotionally available to others. Phillip literally had to go on a whole quest just to prove his worth in earning her love, and this is why she is a Scorpio Sun.

She is a Pisces Moon because even though Phillip did have to prove his true affection for her, she still met him in the woods one time, and they sang a duet, and then she immediately invited him to her house. Like hello? Stranger danger! This is delusional and hopeless romantic behavior, which is very fitting of a Pisces Moon. To follow along with her Pisces Moon, she is way too ethereal looking to not be anything other than a Pisces Rising. One thing about a Pisces placement is that escapism is their way of life, and Aurora is no exception. In fact, she was so desperate for human connection other than the three Good Fairies that she lived with that she told a story about she “met a guy” in her dreams! But Pisces are also so delusional that sometimes their manifestations can come through because they believe them to be true already. Exhibit A: she literally dreamt of her dream guy, and he came to life, this means she has a special connection to the unconscious and the “beyond”, which Pisces energy is known for.


The Little Mermaid is where we meet Ariel in the 1980s. With that beautiful mane of bright red hair, I’m just going to call it as I see it: a Leo Sun. Not only is her hair big and glorious like a lion, but also, everyone revolves around her! Like the Sun, she is used to others feeding off her energy because it’s infectious and bright. She’s King Triton’s favorite daughter, she’s the youngest so she gets away with everything, Ursula wants her to be her key to Triton’s demise, and she gets a prince to fall in love with her in two days! She also loves going to the surface to be closer to the Sun and closer to the things she loves doing: learning about humans.

We had to have a water sign placement for a mermaid, which leads to the Scorpio Moon that she has. Thinking of Scorpio’s reputation for transformation: she literally transforms from a mermaid into a human. Thinking of Scorpio’s reputation for being mysterious and secretive: she has an entire grotto that only her and Flounder know about, with all her collected goods from combing through shipwrecks and accepting gifts from Scuttle the seagull. Thinking of Scorpio’s fixed sign energy and their stubbornness: she is bound and determined to fall in love with the prince as a human, even though it’s forbidden.

She’s a Sagittarius Rising because she’s so adventure-driven. Sagittarius is also known for being a teacher in a lot of ways because they’ve experienced so much and want to expand their knowledge to others. With all her knowledge about human artifacts and a continued insatiable desire to learn more about them, she herself is a teacher — acknowledging how much she knows while also knowing she can always learn more. Symbolized as The Archer, Sagittarius is an adventurous sign that goes wherever their arrow takes them, they cannot be restricted to a singular place. Similarly, Ariel values her freedom and autonomy to do what she wants more than anything, which is why — even after being scolded by her father countless times — she still goes up to the surface and combs abandoned shipwrecks.

Halle Bailey as Ariel in the Little Mermaid


From the ocean to the French countryside, we travel to Beauty and the Beast, a story where Belle is our princess heroine. One thing we know about Belle is that she values fairness and peace. She took her father’s place in the Beast’s castle because she wanted him to be safe back at home. Once her and the Beast started to care for one another and he let her go, Belle told the townspeople who’s care she’d been under the whole time she was gone. When the townspeople finally believed there was a Beast and decided to kill him, all she wanted was for them to get along and believe that he wouldn’t hurt them. All evidence points to a Libra Sun — especially since she managed to become friendly with a Beast of all people; only a Libra could be charming enough to do that.

Her Leo Moon follows for similar reasons: she’s genuinely loyal to her family and those she cares about, and protects them fiercely. Originally, only her father was included in that circle of protection, and then the Beast and all his staff in the castle were included too. This authenticity in her feelings towards those she cares about, means that she has no tolerance for fake people like Gaston. Leos value genuine people who can be flaky when needed, not flaky people who only act like they’re genuine. The Lion is Leo’s symbol, and the Moon is about the private side of our life, how we feel and what our emotions are like. It only makes sense that she’d be a Leo Moon since she falls in love with a Beast.

She’s a Virgo Rising because she values knowledge through reading and observing and listening to her father construct his inventions. Virgo is also the Healer, and Belle loves helping people, like the Beast and the staff at the castle. I mean, she married the Beast so they could all be free of the curse!


Our next princess is Jasmine from the film Aladdin. Jasmine is bold and confident, and knows what she wants. She doesn’t care that she may be a tough pill to swallow for potential suitors. She doesn’t wish to be squished by others to the size they want her to be just because she’s a woman, or just because she’s the Sultan’s daughter. This is why I think she’s an Aries Sun. To her, if they were worth her time and effort, they wouldn’t care about her passion and boldness, and would love her for who she is.

Because she does seem to live outside of the box that her role as the Sultan’s daughter wants to force her into, she seems like an Aquarius Moon to me. She refuses to live a boring, passive life that others seem to think she should strive for. She wants to connect with her people, so much so that she escapes the palace and sneaks out to pretend she’s a peasant girl. She insists on marrying for love even though her father constantly reminds her of a law that says she has to marry before she’s 16 years old, and time is running out.

With her beautiful dark hair and eyes, it’s really no secret that she’s a Scorpio rising. The secret-revealing ability that Scorpios innately possess means that every suitor that came for her hand was immediately sent away because they were all superficial and never thought of her as her own person, but more as a prize to be won. Scorpios deeply desire intimacy even though it takes a long time for them to grant others the privilege of getting to know them that deeply, and Jasmine is no exception.


And last but not least, Pochahontas. Throughout the movie, she is always in the water. She even has a song called “Just Around the Riverbend” She begins it by singing, “What I love most about rivers is, you can’t step in the same river twice. The water’s always changing, always flowing.” Pocahontas’s own personality is similar to a river, in that she is constantly changing throughout the movie; a lot of her most fundamental beliefs are altered when John Smith arrives on the shore. Not only this but she loves animals, and has two constant animal friends follow her on her adventures. Both this love for water and animals clues me in to her Cancer Sun. She also is the chief’s daughter and goes against her father’s wishes for her to marry Kocoum, and decides to marry the colonizer — this is hopeless romantic behavior which is very Cancer-coded.

Circling back to her innate connection to nature (emphasized even more by her conversations with a spirit that lives in a tree, Grandmother Willow) and her ability to express her thoughts and feelings so smoothly, makes me feel like her Moon placement must be benefic. The most benefic Moon placement you can have is when it’s exalted in Taurus — so she has a Taurus Moon. The earth sign Taurus, combined with a planet that rules the water sign Cancer, makes for the perfect balance of earth and water for Pocahontas. The reason she has a Virgo Rising is because she has a connection with her own mind that only someone ruled by Mercury could. Whether you think that Grandmother Willow is a real talking tree or rather a symbol for her own internal thoughts, she thinks things through by relying on that source for advice and meaningful conversation. Also her cheekbones are super prominent — Virgo Risings tend to have sharp physical features. Another Virgo Rising with prominent cheekbones is Bella Hadid, if that gives you any sense of comparison.

And that concludes my analysis of the Disney princesses’ astrological Big Three. Though what I say is, in fact, law, I would definitely listen to differing arguments over some of these placements. I do plan on finishing the rest of the princesses, so stay tuned for that article if you’re interested! I hope some of your personal placements popped up here and you can see if you’re at all similar to any of these princesses we grew up with — nostalgia was one of my main inspirations for this article.

Alexa is a Communications major and a Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies minor. She's now the Vice President for JMU's HerCampus chapter for the 2024-25 school year.