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Top 10 Dating Options in Your Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

It’s the end of the semester and those hot summer romances have long since cooled off… Now, it’s time to scout out some cute boys to keep you warm during the winter months!

Whether you’re a freshman who’s taking mostly large gen-ed classes or a senior who’s cramming in those last minute credits for graduation, everyone knows what it’s like to zone out in the back row and scope out the boys in your class. Here’s a no-nonsense break down of the different boys in your classes and the pros and cons of snuggling up to each one:
The Fraternity Boy

Pros:He’s got a hook up to some great holiday parties, he’s proven himself to be dedicated and loyal, and you get to buy some cute new dresses for fraternity social events!
Cons:As a cute fraternity boy, he’s probably going to have a zillion girls vying for his attention. Also, while all the parties and events might be fun at first, they can be really exhausting- especially if you’re already involved in a sorority or other organizations!
The Hipster

Pros: He’s got an iPod full of new music that he’s more than willing to share with you and he’ll definitely value a girl with her own unique style and personality.
Cons: If you’re not into facial hair, then you’ll want to watch out for him dragging the scruff out past No-Shave November. Also, while his care for the environment might be a big pro, he might be a strict bike-rider, which means that you’ll be doing a lot of driving for dates.
The Slacker

Pros: He’s a laid back guy who’ll be up for absolutely anything. Spontaneity is his thing. Also, he’ll love to spend Sundays cuddling in bed watching movies.
Cons:He’ll ask to copy your homework and you didn’t work that hard to have someone else get an A.
The Overachiever

Pros:He’s a smart, driven guy who will inevitably be very successful in the future.
Cons: He’s probably a little too competitive with his grades, which could lead to a lot of unhealthy competition in your relationship. Also, he could potentially be super full of himself.
The Potentially Gay Guy

Pros:His great fashion sense is immediately attractive, he’ll be really sensitive to your emotions, and he’ll watch all the same shows you do.
Cons:The sad truth is, you’re probably not quite his type.
The Nerd

Just like The Overachiever, he’s a smart guy who’ll probably be very successful. He’s focused and thoughtful and his glasses are undeniably sexy.
Cons: He might be a little quiet, which could provide for awkward social situations. Also, depending on what his area of expertise is, you might not have much in common.
The Athlete

Pros:He’s tall, in shape, and overall hot. His dedication to his sport is super sexy and you’ll look adorable wearing a jersey with his number on the back.
Cons:While his dedication to his sport is really attractive, varsity athletes are notoriously busy men. He might only be available for serious dating during the off-seasons.

The Friendly Boy That You Chat With Every Class

Pros: He’s already easy to talk to and it’s always nice to be comfortable on a first date.
Cons:If you’re anything like me, this boy is also The Potentially Gay boy. But TPG’s cons aside, the “friend zone” can be a little hard to get out of once it’s already established.
The International

Pros: Accents. Are. Hot. Also, depending on here he’s from, he can probably introduce you to a whole bunch of cool new foods and music.
Cons:Depending on his situation, there could be some language barriers. And there will undoubtedly be some cultural gray areas that you’ll have to navigate.
The TA

Pros: He’ll definitely help you with your homework and he’s super smart. Mature older men are hard to resist.
Cons:Innumerable… Not to mention you don’t want to get a reputation for working for your grades in… ahem… ways other than studying.

So obviously, there are some choices to be made. And every single boy has his pros and cons. But, as finals draw closer, the most important thing is to make sure you’re having fun with whatever boy catches your eye! Happy dating!

Sarah Robertson is a senior at James Madison University, with a major in Writing and Rhetoric and minor in Creative Writing. She is involved in the Public Relations Student Society of America, Society for Technical Communicators, as well as Sigma Kappa sorority where she serves as a member on the Judicial Board. At JMU, she is also a member on the e-Vision editorial board. She is from a small town in the Northern Neck of Virginia where she can't get enough of the hidden beaches and spectacular sunsets it has to offer. Sarah is currently interning in New York City at a radio network, Dial-Global, where she hopes to gain experience in broadcasting. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys reading fashion magazines cover-to-cover, learning how to cook without smoking out a house, as well as finding gems in thrift stores. She takes pleasure in writing and blogging while listening to great music including two of her favorites: John Butler Trio and Phoenix. After college, Sarah plans to attend journalism school to pursue a career in broadcast journalism and she hopes to eventally work for Vanity Fair.