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What It’s Like to Have You Birthday on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Birthdays are something that most look forward to every year. You get to celebrate the most important person you know: YOU.  

Although some of us have to share our big day. If you’re lucky, you get it on an arbitrary holiday like Groundhog’s Day where the worse thing that can happen is that you snuggle up with a bottle of wine for 6 more weeks of winter.

For others, you may land on Christmas where people find it acceptable to give you one gift for both (the blasphemy).

Then there are those who are ever so lucky to have it on Valentine’s Day. You’re constantly reminded that you’re single:

Your friends are with their significant other:

But if they choose to spend the day with you, you feel bad and insist they invite their significant other and end up third-wheeling:

And if you’re taken, you still have to spend money on somebody other than you:

If you wanted to go out for a birthday dinner, think again:

Heart-themed parties are so yesterday:

Anything heart-shaped is just really mood damper:

You constantly hear people say they “hate Valentine’s Day” and feel slightly offended because that’s YOUR day:

It’s daunting to find a valentine who wants to tackle the Birthday-Valentine’s combo:

The person who breaks up with you on your birthday is the biggest a**hole ever:

You constantly get texts that say “Happy Birthday “ and tag on “Happy Valentine’s” day at the end:

At least you can expect some kind of rom-com movie coming out that day (if you’re into that genre):

But you know in the end what really matters is YOU, so spend it with the people (or things) you love:

Hello, it's me. Edel (pronounced like the singer), was previously Assistant Social Editor, Video for Her Campus Media. She graduated in May 2018  from James Madison University in with a double major in Media Arts and Design and Communications Studies. Before joining the HC girl gang full-time she was the Campus Correspondent for the JMU Her Campus Chapter. She's an avid social media user, food enthusiast, and shopping extraordinaire. You can catch her taking a coffee break or binge-watching romantic comedies on Netflix.
Aleixka has a B.A. in Media Arts and Design and a minor in Spanish from James Madison University. She loves all things books, traveling, food, and photography.