You remember doing the DNA dance on the quad and still have your neon shirt
You’re the only class left with Gold JAC Cards and you hold on to them for dear life
You remember when Dave’s Taverna (NOT the Express) was still open and you may have even been old enough to drink on the rooftop at some point
The “James Madison Girl,” also known as Sarah Everett, came to JMU the same year as you, and you probably have at least one picture of, if not with, her
You can recall when double-punching wasn’t a thing yet
You still accidentally call MyMadison “e-campus” sometimes
Your pride for JMU quadrupled when we beat Tech 21-16 our freshman year…and you can remember everyone going WILD
President Rose was still in charge
The stadium was half the size it is now
You visited the tiny health center that was located behind Burruss…and then it moved…twice
You probably got to go to AJ Gators Tuesday College nights a couple of times before it shut down
ECL will never be called Rose Library…it will forever be ECL
Ashby will always be called “Trashby,” even if they are revamping it for the third time
- All of these memories make your JMU experience special, and you will cherish them forever
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.