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8 Tips to Make Long Haul Flights Slightly More Bearable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.



The holiday season is among us and for a lot of people that brings with it hours of travelling. If you’re an international student like me, your holiday plans includes a long flight full of bad food, gross air and cramped quarters. Here are some tips I’ve picked up from flying 9 hours back and forth between London and Vancouver multiple times last year.


Stay Hydrated!



Planes dehydrate you. It is extremely important to drink lots of water while flying and after landing. This will help ease some of the gross and groggy feelings that come with travelling. A smart move is to bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you get through security because airport water bottles are obscenely expensive.


Know when to sleep



Jet lag is all about timing. If your plane lands in the evening, try to stay awake during your flight and get a good night’s sleep once you land. If you fly overnight and land in the morning, make sure you sleep so you don’t hit a wall in the middle of the day. If you find sleeping on planes difficult, try melatonin, a sleep mask and some earplugs. 


Snacks, snacks, snacks



Airplane food sucks. It’s a fact of life. If you’re like me and want nothing to do with your provided tray of mush, brings lots of snacks to nibble on during your flight. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should binge on junk food – granola bars and fruit can go a long way when you’re hungry and uncomfortable.


Get comfy



Planes are not formal settings. Dress strictly for comfort and nothing more. Leggings and sweatpants are your best friends and remember to layer because planes are usually either freezing or boiling and you just have to deal with it. Also remember comfy shoes that stretch a bit because your feet will most likely swell while you’re up there. On planes, a blanket scarf is a necessity – use it as a blanket, a shawl, a hood – whatever you need. 


Stay entertained



This is pretty much a given. Bring a book, download music, queue some movies. Whatever it is you enjoy, make sure you have something to do for the next few hours. 



Second year undergrad studying English at KCL
President of Her Campus KCL!