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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

Have you ever had a long, stressful day at work and simply wanted to cuddle your dog? Ever experienced the change in your mood as you are greeted by an excited puppy waiting to welcome you home? Now imagine not having to part ways with your loved one before heading off for a busy day at the office. Studies have explored the benefits of bringing a (wo)man’s best friend into the workplace, and I promise you, by the end of this article, you will want these two previously separate worlds to collide.  

Blue Cross, the animal welfare organisation founded in 1897, has always allowed its employees to bring their dogs into work, observing that ‘even stroking a dog can lower blood pressure’. Reducing stress is just one of the many benefits of bringing your dog to work. Spending time with dogs has been proven to increase levels of the hormone oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”, which has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Since its production is controlled by a positive feedback loop, the release of this hormone increases secretion too, making the effects stronger. Raised oxytocin leads to a strong bond forming between humans and dogs, relaxing you as well as your pup. A strong bond between dog and owner not only makes them easier to train, but also strengthens trust in their owner, a vital part of their wellbeing.

As well as improving the relationship between dogs and their owners, communication amongst colleagues is also improved by the practice of bringing dogs to work. Nestlé is an example of a large corporation which allows its employees to bring their pets to work. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper, Odette Forbes, Head of Media Relations at Nestlé, claimed that having dogs in the workplace can build rapport amongst colleagues as ‘people will stop you in the corridors to stroke your dog so you start talking to someone in a different part of the company who you’d never normally have spoken to, or have only encountered over email’. The strong bonds that humans share with dogs can be a great way to similarly connect with your workmates, making the workplace happier and more productive. 

Alongside the many advantages for humans, dogs also benefit from being welcomed into the office. Many dogs suffer from anxiety when they are left alone for hours on end, for example, while their owner is at work. Dogs, being social pets, require social stimulation like spending time with their owners. By bringing them along to work, their mental wellbeing improves, becoming happier from simply being in your presence. You can also punctuate your work day with some physical exercise in the form of walkies, giving both yourself and your dog a chance to let off steam and break up the day.

Knowing some of the reasons why bringing your dog to the office improves the work experience, how could you say no? Never again will you have a woof day at work with your best friend by your side! 

Grace writes for the Careers section of the King's College London (KCL) chapter of Her Campus. She is a 2nd year student studying English Literature and French. In summer 2023, Grace travelled to Yangshuo in China to teach English at a Language College and is currently studying for her TEFL qualification. As well as teaching, she had many exciting adventures such as white water rafting, hiking to the top of Guilin Provence’s TV tower to watch the sunrise and a personal highlight was winning the school’s talent show with a rendition of the Pitch Perfect finale. Before joining Her Campus, Grace was Deputy Editor of her high school magazine in Lancaster. Her responsibilities included commissioning, writing and editing articles. Grace enjoys creative writing, and is currently working on a screen play comedy about teenagers coming of age. She also loves the creative arts, and has a passion for musical theatre, singing and acting. When not writing for Her Campus, Grace enjoys playing netball for the GKT team. Otherwise, you can find her either curled up with a good book listening to Taylor Swift or hanging out with friends at the local salsa bar.