They say eyes are the windows to our soul, and this cutie has the most beautiful eyes and soul you can find on campus. Meet Samantha Masou, a great classmate with a cheerful spirit.
Age: 21
Major/concentration: Business Administration with minor on politics
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Describe yourself in three words:
What is your favorite outfit?
My skinny jeans with one of the many t-shirts of the university I own, of course, and my tennis shoes.
How do you like to spend your summer?Â
I like to do different things all the time, but travel to different places is always my favorite part of the summer and especially if it is with my friends.Â
What is your favorite spot on campus?
The first stair of the south porch, I have found peace for many hours in that place.
What are your plans after graduation?
Well, to start I´m planning to find a job here in Nicaragua, then travel the world and work in other countries. I would like to have as many experiences as possible with other cultures.Â
5 random fact about you:
-I am crazy in love with the beach
-When I was a baby I used to have blue eyes
-My favorite person in the world is my mom (she is hilarious)
-I don’t like cajeta and I don’t understand why people like it
-I have a crush with the moon