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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

Considering joining Her Campus Kennesaw? Ever wonder what the best thing about this organization is?

Here I have listed the 10 best things about HCKSU, from skill development to making lifetime best friends, you can’t go wrong. 

Giving Back to the Community

At Her Campus Kennesaw, we have lots of fun volunteer opportunities in our own community! One our girls have most recently volunteered at is the “Empty Stocking Fund,” where we assembled a kit full of school supplies for students in need. We have opportunities monthly, and you have the option to go with a group of HCKSU girls, or go alone.

Developing Skills

Being involved in Her Campus Kennesaw allows you to develop or expand your skills. Whether it be effective communication, professionalism, organization, or teamwork, each is used in our organization and created to benefit you.

Building a Resume

Hello, new skills! From developing these skills, you now have more to put on your resume! Companies and hiring managers are always on the look-out for people with effective soft-skills, all of which you will have expanded on from joining Her Campus Kennesaw. Build yourself, and build that resume!

Personal Growth

Her Campus Kennesaw has different sections of the organization that you are able to explore. Think you’re more into writing? Go for it! Social media more your style? We have that, too! Prefer to put together our events? We’d love to have you! Try one out and feel like it isn’t working and want to try another? Let our President know and we can work that out for you, too. This is all about finding what you are comfortable with and growing into that.


Our Her Campus girls have connections! Being able to network in the field of study you want to be in is always crucial, and our girls know the right people. We count internship hours, and we want to set you up to see you thrive.

Getting to Do What You Love

Being able to take classes and expand on what you love to do is always rewarding, but Her Campus allows you to apply that outside of academics and into the real-world. Allowing yourself to write blogs about what you feel passionate about, making posts about real-world topics, putting together an awesome group event, are all things you can love to do, and all things we offer. Getting a head start on what you love to do is what we love to see you do.

Gaining Experience

Not only are you getting hands-on experience for the job you love, you are doing so in a safe environment. If this is your first time in this field, there is no reason to stress! All of us girls are here to support each other, and we understand people learn from their mistakes. We are here to help each other grow, and however that looks for you, we are here to support it.

Making New Friends

Joining Her Campus was the best decision I have made so far in college. I have the best group of forever girl friends that I likely would not have met otherwise, and they have definitely helped me find my niche when I moved away from home.


Our directors always check in with us throughout the week, making sure school is going okay, life isn’t getting out of hand, and we are going in the direction we want to go. One of our Her Campus members says her favorite thing about Her Campus Kennesaw is “the continuous support and love, check-ins, and being able to have an open line of communication to talk” (Vincent).

Empowered Women Empowering Women

Possibly the most important thing, Her Campus Kennesaw is an organization full of the strongest group of women I have ever met. They will stand up for you and make you feel like you belong like no other group. If you don’t feel so empowered one day, there is no group that will build you up like this one. We all have each other’s backs, always.

Still on the fence about joining, have questions? Reach out to us on Instagram! @hckennesaw 

We would love to welcome you into our family with open arms. 

Molly is a self-proclaimed coffee addict with a love for fluffy socks, blankets, and dogs. She is a lover of light and a creator. Molly is an avid Jodi Picoult reader, and her passion lies in literature and helping kids. She is pursuing her passions by becoming an English teacher and cannot wait to be in the classroom.
A collegiette's guide to life from the KSU chapter of Her Campus!