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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

For the past year I’ve been involved in a club called for Film’s Sake or FFS for short. Film and TV Shows are my passion, so I was very excited to learn more about this club. However, when I made it to the first meeting, I was pretty nervous. I was a freshman at the time and hardly knew anybody, but as talked to more and more people I became more comfortable with being in the club. I didn’t know what to expect when I first joined and I was really hoping it wouldn’t turn out to be a club dedicated to watching movies and expressing your opinions about them. Instead, what I got was so much more better.

The club was centered around experiencing creating a film. From pre-production to filming and, finally, editing. Everyone gets a role and to help out in creating a film to present to other people and enter into film festivals. For the first film, I worked in the Art Department, since I really enjoy art and thought maybe it would be a good department to be a part of.

We filmed during the weekend and it was an absolute blast. It was like being on an actual set. There were cameras, actors, directors, lighting, everything a professional set would have. It was pretty surreal to help and watch the process happen. It was even cooler to see my name in the credits once the film was done. There was even a ceremony to showcase all of the films that were produced in the club.

I had a very fun time working with the crew and I definitely wanted to stay for the rest of my college years. And I did. The club was essentially my dream come true and gave me a lot of experience that would come in handy when I apply for internships and jobs in the film industry.

Now, after two years of being in the club, I have been a part of five different films. I was part of the Art Department for all of them and later became an Assistant Director within that department. For one of the films, I tried out the Assistant Camera position which was a really fun experience. Being an extra was another thing I also tried out and thoroughly enjoyed. Next semester I am hoping to try out an acting role. I am super excited to take my film experience to the next level and use it to my advantage.

Overall, I can’t wait to be a part of future films and maybe even write and direct one. My dream career is to be a screenwriter and I feel like I am in the right place to get experience for that and more.

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Gahnique Bell

Kennesaw '25

Hey guys! My name is Gahnique Bell and I am an English Major and a Film Studies Minor here at Kennesaw State University! I'm essentially a huge nerd who loves to read, write, draw, play video games, and watch tv shows/movies! I also love to explore different places, learn about new things, and enjoy the company of my friends and family!