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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

So Ya’ll Broke Up Now What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.
It doesn’t matter if the relationship lasted a month, a year, or three years; no matter how long it was breakups suck and can leave you feeling lost in the world. The worst part about a breakup is that there’s no quick fix for it, sometimes you might even feel physically sick, anxious, or depressed afterward and that is normal, it is just a process of the healing that’s coming.
After my first breakup, I was in shock and total disbelief. It felt unreal to me that I was losing my best friend and someone that knew so much about me was suddenly going to be a stranger to me again. I didn’t want to talk to my friends or even my mom, I just really wanted to be alone for a long time. I felt like I could never trust anyone not even the people around me, and for the first few weeks, I felt like I was never going to make it through this. Honestly, nothing will prepare you for your first heartbreak, you don’t get to decide how it will come or how it will affect you, but you do get to choose if you’re going to let this ruin you or build you into a stronger person.
Don’t get me wrong, you have every right to grieve a breakup anyway you feel is right, but for the most part, you should make sure the way you cope with it is healthy. Healthy coping mechanisms are essential to move on from your partner with grace and strength. So, here are some tips that I incorporated in my life to help me move on.

Find your passion

Finding something you’re passionate about is so important to get your mind off what’s going on in your heart. For me, I’m very passionate about mental health, so I used all my extra free time and threw myself into planning events and going to school events so I wouldn’t be in my room all day. Even if you don’t know what you’re passionate about throwing yourself back into your school work can help too, it might be hard, but it’s worth it.

Write about it

Get a journal and write down everything your feeling and I mean everything. Pour it all out on paper it’s so therapeutic, and it helps you get things out that you never got to say or couldn’t put into words.

Hang with friends

Remember that your friends are there for you, they genuinely want the best for you and will be there whenever you need them. Let your girls know what’s going on, it’s pretty hard to be vulnerable, but this is a time when you truly need to let them in.

Delete their number

This doesn’t even need an explanation. There is indeed no reason to communicate with someone who hurt you even if they “just want to talk.”

Mute them on social media

If you can’t follow through with deleting them on social media at least mute them, so you aren’t constantly bombarded with their posts while you’re trying to move on and heal. This only throws the pain back in your face every time you see that you’re ex-partner moved on. 

Don’t settle

Even though you might be lonely during this time, don’t settle for someone just because you don’t want to be alone. This might be the hardest part, but you have to let yourself truly heal before you jump into the next relationship. If you feel lonely plan a movie night or girl’s night and have some fun!

Most importantly love yourself! You have to be happy with you and enjoy yourself. Relationships are amazing, but you have to take that time and put in the work to love your true, unfiltered self before you commit to loving someone else.

Karissa is a senior at Kennesaw State University majoring in psychology, minoring in criminology.