Over the past few months, I stopped taking my birth control pills. Not in the mindset of, “Oh I’m not taking them anymore”, but more so “Hey! I set up my yearly appointment too late and now my pharmacy cannot fill my prescription request without my doctor’s approval.” So yeah, basically my procrastination and forgetfulness led to my now what seems to be very unusually explosive hormonal rollercoaster.
I’m sure we all have heard and researched birth control which would work best for us. Do we want something long-lasting? Will it help with our periods not last as long? Will it eliminate our cramps, acne, etc. One main thing that pops up is our hormones and how they change. I never really noticed the difference of how my pills may alter my hormones because I may only miss a day and just conveniently double up on a dose the next day with me thinking problem solved, no issues to worry about.
I now feel like a walking billboard of how hormonally imbalanced we can get once we are no longer on contraception. For starters, although I probably shouldn’t admit it, I have always been a ticking time bomb. I’m a super chill laid back person but don’t get on my bad side. Now I feel like it’s ten-fold; every little thing ticks me off! The first few weeks, I was thinking like, “Why am I like this,” “Girl, chill out,” “Was it really that serious?” I had no clue what was going on. I was super moody and always irritated for reasons I could not even explain why. Aside from that, I felt at a standstill like I wasn’t doing enough, just going through the everyday motions. Not feeling mentally aware or focused on what’s going on around me.
These months have been a struggle, to say the least. Needless to say, after realizing why I’ve been such an emotional wreck and not wanting to have another baby anytime soon. I have started back taking my pills and hopefully soon be back to my non-hormonal imbalanced self.
Yay for the pill (not really).