No high school class can prepare you for the things you learn in college. You just have to figure it out on your own sometimes with trial and error!
1. You aren’t going to pass if you don’t study.
If you plan on winging it, skipping class, and not even touching the book, you’re not going to get a B. You just aren’t.Â
2. You aren’t special.
It doesn’t matter how many years you were on homecoming court or what awards you won. When you come to college, you’re a nobody and you have to start all over again. Yeah that’s right, that means you have to talk to people. Scary right?
3. You have a lot more responsibility than before.
Don’t take that new found freedom by skipping 5 classes in a row. You’ll regret that on finals week.
They will help you. Don’t listen to the people that say they don’t. GO!         Â
7. Read the Chapters.
Read them 23 times. Read until you know what you’re learning instead of being a machine and copying and pasting words onto a paper and never looking at them again until the night before the exam. Doesn’t work too well.
8. You will lose touch with your inner circle from high school.
College takes up a ton of time and it’s hard to keep old friendships going, especially if everyone goes to different colleges hours away from each other.
9. Everyone changes their major.
It’s okay to change it. The norm is changing it about 4 times before you graduate.
When someone tells you this, embrace it. Those 4 (or five, not judging) years go by quicker than you think.