Family gatherings are a time for good food, laughter, and catching up, which enevitably means all the annoying questions you could possibly think of. Here is a taste of what to expect to better prepare yourselves for the fun break ahead.
1. How is school going?
Honestly, this is probably the last question you want to hear from anyone. It’s the end of the semester and you just want it to be over. Where’s winter break?
2. Do you have a boyfriend yet?
My reply to this is always an awkward laugh followed by a no. Or, if I’m feeling really great about myself, I’ll say “I don’t need a man, they’re too complicated.” But seriously, this question is asked at EVERY family gathering.
3. Oh you broke up? Tell us what happened! Are you okay?
Relationships come and go, but talking about it sucks. But family always asks and you. Try to avoid answering. Maybe change the subject to how you want a cat for Christmas. Cats are better anyway.
4. Wait…so, what’s your major?
“You changed your major again?!” We all have changed our majors at least once, and if you’re one of the few who haven’t, lucky you. Being young and not knowing what you want to do with your life is normal, but boy is it frustrating. We have so much pressure to just know what we want to do with our lives, yet most of us have no clue.
5. Are you ready for finals?
LOL WHAT EVEN ARE FINALS. There is no way that any of us are remotely mentally or physically “ready” for finals. I haven’t even thought about them other than when it will all be over and then… FREEDOM.