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Alex Frank / Spoon

Caffeinated Creations

Updated Published

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

School is finally back in session and it is already kicking the butts of students across the country (aka me). Everyone who is feeling the mounting pressure of schoolwork could use a quick pick-me-up in the form of a sweet treat and a caffeinated drink, but not everyone always has the time or money necessary to visit the cafes on campus or in town to fulfill this desire. In order to help quench the college student’s thirst for caffeine, I have compiled a list of recipes and ingredients for such drinks that can be made from the comfort of your own dorm room.

Alex Frank / Spoon



As someone who personally has a complicated relationship with and dependency on coffee, I, of course, found it necessary to purchase a Keurig single-serving coffee maker so I could make my daily pre- and post- class cups of Joe. 

Although it is basic, the most simple drink recipe I included is a quick and easy cup of coffee. In order to brew this drink, you need a single-use coffee maker and, ideally, a compatible reusable coffee pod or coffee filter cup, or disposable alternatives to these.


  • Ground coffee of your preferred roast
  • Optional
    • Sweetener of your choice (creamer, syrups, spices) 
    • Milk of your choice


This recipe is fairly straightforward, you fill the reusable coffee filter cup about halfway with your preferred ground coffee option and select the strength of your brew and how large a cup you want to brew and press start. Once it is finished brewing, you can sweeten it to your liking and bam- your coffee is finished! 

My preferred sweetener is an oat milk creamer or a flavored protein drink so I can get additional benefits other than caffeine. Some additions you can include are spices such as cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice mix, or whatever else floats your boat. You could also add flavored syrup to sweeten the drink and milk of your choice to make it less bitter. You can pour this coffee over iced for a more refreshing alternative to this pick me up beverage. 


The next recipe I recommend making using a Keurig is a cup of tea, and alternatively, a chai latte.


  • Bag of preferred tea (herbal, black, green, etc)
  • Optional
    • Sweetener of your choice (honey, sugar, spices)
    • Milk of your choice


Similarly to how the coffee is brewed, you are going to want to place your bag of tea into the reusable coffee filter cup, and select the size and strength of the brew. Once your cup is done, you can sweeten it to your liking and drink it warm as it is or pour it over ice for a chilled tea. You can sweeten or otherwise customize your drink by adding spices in the coffee filter cup before it is brewed or by sprinkling spices into/over the brewed beverage. 


For a chai latte made using this coffee maker, you are going to need a few additional ingredients.


  • Black tea bag, or specifically a chai tea bag
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground allspice
  • Ground ginger
  • Ground nutmeg
  • Âľ cup milk of your choice, warmed
  • 1 tbsp creamer of your choice
  • 1 tsp brown sugar


For this drink, put the bag of chai into the reusable coffee filter cup and add the spices with measurements to your liking (I recommend starting with about ¼ of each spice and adjusting to your preference), and select the size and strength of your brew. While this is brewing, combine the milk, creamer and brown sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Finally, add the tea to the milk mixture and top with an additional sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon or just leave it as it is. You can also make this latte iced, and you can do that by either pouring the concoction right over ice or chilling it first. 



I know matcha is not everyone’s cup of tea (pun intended), but if it is, here’s a quick and easy matcha latte recipe that can be made in five minutes. 


  • 1 ½ tsp matcha powder
  • 1 tbsp warm water
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Milk of choice


Measure out and sift the matcha into your glass and add the warm water and whisk until combined. Once the ingredients are mixed, fill a glass with ice and pour the matcha solution over the ice and add milk to your liking.


I know not every college student has a blender in their dorm or apartments, but for the select few that have access to one, I recommend taking the coffee you can brew with a coffee maker (or siphoned from the dining hall) and turn it into a healthier breakfast alternative, in the from of a coffee smoothie. 


  • Brewed coffee
  • Frozen banana
  • Ice
  • Almond milk
  • Almond butter


Place these ingredients into your blender (measurements will vary depending on the size and effectiveness of your specific blender), blend the smoothie and adjust the ingredients to taste. 

I hope you find these caffeinated creations to be easy, effective and delicious ways to reinvigorate you while you study. Also keep in mind that staying hydrated and nourished is essential for the most beneficial studying experience.

Maria Buerger

Kent State '28

Maria Buerger is a Sophomore English major from Cincinnati, OH and she is on the Editorial Team of Kent State’s chapter of Her Campus. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, thrifting, listening to music, checking out local bookstores and coffee shops and spending time with her friends and her cat, Pumpkin. Maria is interested in Creative Writing, whether it's articles, reviews or poetry and enjoys writing on subjects ranging from music and media to fashion and sustainability. Once she graduates, she is hoping to pursue a career as a Librarian, wherever that may take her.