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Every Thought Girls Have While on Tinder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Tinder. It always seems like a great idea…until it doesn’t. You and your car? Swipe left. You and 15 other girls? Swipe left. You and a puppy? Well, that’s a tough one. Ladies, we understand the emotional roller coaster that is the online dating world. Take a look:

“Your first picture is of your car? How wonderful, that’s exactly what I was looking for- to date a transformer.”

“What is up with all the group pictures?! I don’t want to play where’s waldo!”

“Flipping off the camera? Classy. You’re totally going to be a gentleman.”

“This guy is really hot…. I wonder if he swiped right for me..”


“No, I’m not going to add you on every social media platform…..” 

“Oh my god…. I have over 100 matches….”

“I don’t know why you would put that in your profile….why do you think that would work???”

“This conversation is so awkward….wasted right swipe.” 


“The puppy was way cuter than him….. shame.”

“You are not 20…. baby face… good try..”

“Your friends made this for you? Oh yeah okay…” 

“Army guy….. oOooOO muscles.”

“There are some creepy people on here….” 

“All your photos have girls in them? Byeeeeee!” 

“Why aren’t any of your pictures showing your face, what are you hiding?!”

“Shirtless gym selfie? So original.”

“Do you only party? Do you do anything else?” 

“Why am I on here…..”*Closes app. Opens it 10 minutes later*

Hello! I'm Morgan! I'm a Junior majoring in Visual Journalism. My passions include photography and graphic design. I'm obsessed with Dunkin Donuts, and puppies are my weakness. Check out my articles!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.