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Fit February: How To Eat Healthy On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Walking into my dorm freshman year, I told myself that this was a new start and I could do it all over. New college, new room, new friends, new me. Since then I have been finding the hacks to eating healthily while in college 


Do not restrain yourself so much that you are not having fun

No one wants that freshman fifteen, but everyone wants to have a good time. My role model in my life (my mom), gave me the best advice about diets. She said to follow the 85/15 rule. This means that you eat healthy and clean 85% of the time and then you take a break and relax for 15%. In a week, that would be one easy day a week. It is not a cheat day, but you let yourself have that PopTart for breakfast and maybe a hamburger for dinner. 


Find all the dining halls on campus

I did not realize that one of my dining halls was gluten free and offered tons of healthier options AND was the closest dining hall to me. Before I found this dining hall, I was eating grilled cheese for every meal across campus. Figure out where the best food is made, which dining hall offers fruits and veggies that haven’t been cooked. Knowledge is power ladies!


Have a cup of raw fruits or veggies with every meal

Now, I am not here so sound like your mom but eat your fruits and veggies! There are so many good calories in those things!! They will help you feel recharged and energized as well as fill you up so there are no whale sounds in that late afternoon math class. Along with this, fruits and veggies are known to clear skin, fight off sickness and promote healthy growth.


Try different options

At the dining hall near my dorm, they offer special dishes that are vegan or vegetarian. Try them out! You might be pleasantly surprised when that gross looking tofu turns into your next favorite food. I LOVE the veggie burgers my dining hall offers, and I love eating cow. These options are usually a lot healthier than the normal options provided. 



Lindsay Syms

Kent State '21

Lindsay Syms is a freshman at Kent State University, studying global public health. She likes to read and write and paint, while listening to good jams and eating Swiss rolls.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.