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How Jenna Kutcher Changed my Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Let’s face it, we all need a cheerleader in our lives. Or better yet, maybe a fairy godmother to answer all our questions and make  our dreams come true.

What if I told you this woman was only one click away?

Ta-da! Meet Jenna Kutcher, a self-made billionaire and personal branding guru.

I stumbled across Jenna’s Instagram page some time ago. For awhile, I was simply there for her trendy aesthetic and inspirational posts. But then one day while on an Instagram creeping binge, I really saw what this woman was about.

Jenna is a self-made millionaire who left her office job to pursue photography, and now she makes her living teaching others how to turn their dreams into reality! She specializes in all things marketing, if you’re looking to build your personal brand, then Jenna is your girl!

If you aren’t familiar with Jenna Kutcher, you’re about to be. Hang out with me for a second while I break down all the reasons Jenna Kutcher and her teachings changed my life.


1) Her positive outlook

Jenna Kutcher is a huge advocate for self-love and body positivity! Not only does she show off her curves on Instagram, but she is also one of Aerie’s new #AerieReal Role Models! This mama-to-be proudly poses in her underwear and reminds women everywhere to love their bodies as is.

In fact, Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram account went viral last year with an Instagram post about what it’s like to be married to Mr. six-pack. To read the emotional and empowering post, click here.

Not only does Jenna provide us college gals with constant reminders to love all our bumps and curves, but she tackles life with enough sunshine to light up anyone’s darkest day.

Her Instagram is full of inspiring quotes, posts about how to live your best life and even ideas and motivation to help your business take off!


2) Her podcast

“The Goal Digger Podcast” launched in 2016, and has since gathered a devoted following! This podcast is perfect for any women looking to give her business the extra push it needs. On the podcast, Jenna interviews other successful women for an hour of beautiful discussion. Even if you don’t consider yourself an entrepreneur, this podcast is sure to leave you feeling renewed and excited!

I would 10/10 recommend this podcast to any young woman who is trying to amp up her blog or upgrade her instagram. Jenna really is an expert on all things marketing. When it comes to building a brand, Jenna has done it already, and she will tell you all her secrets…all you have to do is listen!

If Jenna isn’t interviewing someone, she gives listeners an open account of her own life. For example, Jenna did an episode at the end of 2016 recapping what worked for her and what didn’t during the year. I felt truly connected to Jenna while listening to her discuss life with such willingness and honesty. In another more recent episode, her husband hopped on the show with her to answer questions from their fans about Jenna’s pregnancy!

Whether you are looking for entertainment or guidance, The Goal Digger Podcast can give you all the tools you need to step it up from frazzled college student, to girl boss!


3) Her honesty

While we are all use to hearing the classic “nobody is perfect!” Instagram can really make us thing otherwise. Jenna Kutcher has built an empire out of truly being herself. How cool is that? Jenna’s Instagram is AMAZING, but she isn’t afraid to step back and share some of the challenges in her life. For example, she suffered two miscarriages before her current pregnancy. Jenna tackled the discomfort and taboo surrounding miscarriage and shared her stories openly so that others hurting may find peace in her experience.

Jenna is an entrepreneur, and she is also a teacher. This means that she knows ALL SORTS of things about running a business and making money! While income has always been seen as something you don’t ask other people about, Jenna isn’t shy! She recognizes that salary is an important part of someone’s career, and that you have to be able to provide for yourself before you quit your corporate job! Jenna truly answers any and all questions about business, she will tell her fans what works and what doesn’t.

So? Are you scrolling through her Instagram right now? I don’t blame you! I feel more powerful and knowledgeable ever since making Jenna my life guru (she is, she just doesn’t know it)! There is no shame in asking for a little help and guidance in life, and Jenna is truly your go-to girl!

Natalie Eusebio is a Public Relations major at Kent State University. She enjoys writing, reading, listening to musicals, and exploring Northeast Ohio When she is at home in Canfield, OH she likes to catch up with old friends and spend time snuggling her cats. On campus, you can find her in the Chi Omega house or studying at Starbucks. Her weaknesses include online shopping sprees and talking too fast. As a writer, Natalie hopes to both empower and entertain her audience. Natalie's future plans include advocating for those in need and finding employment with a PR firm somewhere out west.
Sammy Pesick is a Senior Fashion Merchandising major at Kent State University with minors in Fashion Media and Marketing. She has a passion for food and a weakness for designer purses while polka dots are her aesthetic. Sammy is currently the President and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Kent State where she strives to share her love of Her Campus with the Kent State community.