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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Did you know that you are supposed to be drinking about 64 ounces of water daily? That equates to four 16-ounce water bottles every day. I don’t know about you, but the only time I ever drink water is when it’s in my coffee. I live on coffee (the reason for massive headaches throughout the week). WebMD said that there are a ton of benefits to drinking water, including calorie control and clear skin. I decided to finally just do it. For one whole week, I drank 64 ounces of pure, fresh water each day. Here’s how it turned out:

Day 1:

In order to prepare for this task, I bought a super cute S’well water bottle that holds 17 ounces. I decided that I would drink four of these, so I ended up drinking a total of 68 ounces each day. I know…I’m an overachiever.

S’well bottles are the chicest water bottles you will ever see. Find them here!

I also decided that I would need to make a schedule for myself so I wouldn’t be drinking three bottles at 10 p.m. just to reach my goal. I decided to drink one in the morning before breakfast, one after breakfast, one with lunch and one in the evening. This schedule worked really well for me and drinking water in the morning totally woke me up!

It was weird for me to be drinking so much water, and I could tell my body wasn’t used to it because I went pee more times on the first day than I usually do in a whole week! #realtalk

Day 2:

For some reason, I found it really hard to stick to drinking the water on the second day. It seemed more like a burden than a health benefit, but I presevered and sipped away! So many people were complimenting my S’well bottle that I felt confident carrying it around everywhere. I did sleep in until late afternoon, however, so I had to chug a bottle or two that evening. Definitely make sure you keep a schedule so this doesn’t happen to you! I had to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night…

Days 3-7:

It was pretty easy to stick to the plan these next couple days. The only thing that was annoying was that I was pretty tired of the boring taste of water. I knew I had to find something to spice it up a bit. I found some zero-calorie flavor drops and they worked like a charm! MiO and Dasani are my favorite.


There was a noticeable difference in my digestion, with all of those trips to the ladies room, and I felt much less bloated than usual. There was also a fairly noticeable difference in my skin. It was much more hydrated and felt smoother than before when it was dry and a little rough. Considering the fact that I didn’t change any of my other habits (skin routine, eating habits, sleeping habits, etc.) the change in my skin was pretty incredible.

I also felt like I had way more energy and very few headaches! This is a miracle for me because I am usually always feeling tired and down. The final thing I noticed was that I felt very full most of the week, which in turn meant I ate less. It was a great way to stop the mindless snacking while I did school work or watched T.V. because I could just grab my water and be content.  

Here are some tips for to help you reach your water goals:

  • Buy a cool water bottle that will inspire you to drink more.

  • Infuse your water with fruit or put a couple drops of flavor in to make it more exciting to drink.

  • Use a water tracking app like Waterlogged to help you keep track of your goal.

I am currently a freshman at Kent State and I love it here! I just declared my major as journalism and I would love to become a book editor/publisher!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.