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How to Incorporate Sustainability into Fall Festivities

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

As you may know, over the weekend, the fall equinox occurred, signifying the official start to fall! As a major autumn enthusiast, I am thrilled to finally welcome in the chilled breeze, the changing colors of the leaves and the commencement of fall festivities. While there are many timeless activities you can venture to do in the fall, there still resides a growing desire to stay up to date on all of the latest trends. Which, may include decorating your dorm in an autumn aesthetic, trying the seasonal drinks at the local coffee shops or staying up-to-date on the recent fall fashion. This eagerness to stay on-trend can lead to a lot of harmful shopping habits and waste, so I ventured out to find a few alternative ways to follow fall trends and participate in autumn activities with a sustainable twist.

Seasonal Beverages

You would have to be living under a rock not to be aware of the pumpkin craze that takes over every food establishment from August to November, but I’ll openly admit that pumpkin-flavored everything is one of my favorite aspects of fall. I always look forward to the first pumpkin spice latte of the season, and I love trying the seasonal beverages and pastries at local coffee shops. 

I’m sure most of us are aware of how unsustainable the product models of many of these types of establishments are through their use of plastic cups, lids and straws. I would like to offer up some more sustainable alternative solutions that will allow you to enjoy your seasonal beverages without the guilt.

When you know you are going to be visiting a coffee shop, contemplate bringing a reusable cup and straw from home and ask them if they can make the drink in your cup. Or if you do use the plastic cups provided to you at a café, make sure that you rinse them out before you dispose of them properly by recycling!

In addition to the cups, debate going to local coffee shops and cafĂ©s instead of opting for a larger establishment or franchise. Support small businesses and mom-and-pop shops because you’re not only helping out people in your community, but you are also supporting establishments with more ethical business models and practices that will most likely produce a lot less waste than your typical coffee corporation.

Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television

Fall Fashion

One of the next best aspects of fall is having the opportunity to dress for the occasion. I love finally getting the opportunity to bundle up in my big sweaters and put on my corduroys whether it’s for everyday fall occasions or to participate in all of the traditional autumnal activities with my friends.

I know every year new fall trends come around, and whether it’s the way that you wear a specific style or piece of clothing, a lot of people are very quick to order these popular items online or run to the nearest store to buy them. 

I understand the temptation of succumbing to ordering from fast-fashion websites or online retailers, but I implore you to reevaluate the reality of your need for new clothes.

Look through your closet and see how you can customize and upcycle the clothes you already have. Or alternatively, go thrifting for clothes that may be similar to the trends you see for the season. 

The most sustainable decision you can make regarding your wardrobe is purchasing high-quality, long-lasting clothes in a style that make you happy—not necessarily what is trending on social media or in the fashion world.

Pumpkin Patch/Apple Orchard

The epitome of fall festivities is going to a pumpkin patch with your friends or family and picking out a pumpkin for carving. Not to mention the fun of taking plenty of aesthetic photos in the midst of choosing your pumpkin. Another autumnal activity that gets you outside is visiting an orchard for apple picking. 

While both of these activities are inherently sustainable due to the decomposable nature of the produce, there are certainly ways in which this activity could quickly become unsustainable, such as overconsumption.

A way to avoid the possible waste that is a product of overconsumption from these fall festivities is to do some research prior to visiting these places. You can find some recipes you can make with the produce, decor you can set up around your living space and designs for your pumpkin carvings so you know what type of pumpkin to choose.

Pumpkin Carving

Although it’s not quite Halloween, in order to prepare you for the hullabaloo that is pumpkin carving, I figured I would share some tips to make this activity more sustainable. I’m sure most people are aware of the endless possibilities of pumpkin carving; both in the designs you can create and how the pumpkin can be repurposed, but I would like to reiterate them just in case.

First, once you scoop the pumpkin ‘guts’ out of your Jack o’ Lantern, you can separate the seeds from the guts, and roast the seeds with seasonings of your choice, which makes a quick and tasty snack.

Additionally, you can roast the meat of the pumpkin to make all sorts of delicious fall treats like pumpkin pie or fall soups. Using pumpkin puree, you can even make your own pumpkin spice latte from the comfort of your own dorm room. Once your Jack O’ Lantern is past its prime, you can try to get in contact with your school’s gardening club to see if they are collecting things for compost. 

I hope these tips gave you a few ideas of how you can make more conscientious decisions concerning the sustainability of the fall festivities you participate in the coming months.

Maria Buerger

Kent State '28

Maria Buerger is a Sophomore English major from Cincinnati, OH and she is on the Editorial Team of Kent State’s chapter of Her Campus. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, thrifting, listening to music, checking out local bookstores and coffee shops and spending time with her friends and her cat, Pumpkin. Maria is interested in Creative Writing, whether it's articles, reviews or poetry and enjoys writing on subjects ranging from music and media to fashion and sustainability. Once she graduates, she is hoping to pursue a career as a Librarian, wherever that may take her.