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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Welcome Ladies, Gays, Theys and gentlemen

Hello all! I first want to establish that even though I say “ladies,” I mean everyone! Different topics I will be discussing will be generic and anyone may relate to them. I want to make sure each and every one of you feels at ease when you are reading. All are welcomed in this little safe space.

With that out of the way, let me introduce myself! My name is Danielle Stehle (STAY-lee) and I go by she/her/hers. I am a Journalism major at Kent State University. To help you all feel comfortable, I will share a part of me to help you understand a little about who I am. Recently, I’ve been going through a lot of changes. I was an architecture major this past fall semester of college. It was my dream to become a woman in STEM and to strive in a male-dominated industry, or so I thought. Towards the middle of my semester, I started to not enjoy what I was doing with my life. I sat in the bedroom of my apartment, thinking of why I felt this way. I felt as though I was forcing myself to do my work. There was no passion, nor motivation behind my efforts. 

All of a sudden, I had an epiphany. I realized that I fell in love with the idea of being an architect. I wanted to have this image of me that people would look up to, but I didn’t need to be an architect to have such an impact. I wanted to strive and grow with one of my lifelong passions: writing. I decided to turn my life around and push myself for growth. I immediately checked in with an advisor to change my future route. I signed up for classes pertaining to my major. I wanted to feel like myself again, and I wanted to be happy with what my future is going to hold. 

So now to help kick start my future, I want to practice my writing abilities. What better way to do that than to inspire people in the process? That is why I wanted to join Her Campus. I want to share my knowledge, thoughts and experiences with you all. As I share this with you, I hope all of you can watch me grow from beginning to end. I want to be transparent and real, and that’s what I hope you all will see!

Down to Business

Because I want to be real with all of you, I want to share different experiences that have made an impact on my life. They have helped mold me into the person I am today. I decided with some of the experiences I have gone through, I want to give some advice to all of you who may relate. Ladies, Let’s Talk will try to be a guide for you throughout your own journey of life. I will inform you about different topics that may be from very serious to heartwarming feelings. I will also give my experience of these such topics to show how I handled them and what I learned as an individual. All of this is a process, but I hope it can be an enjoyable one!

My Goal

Not only do I want to help inform, but I also want all of you to do a little self-reflection yourselves. It is not easy to sit down with yourself and to go deep into your mind. In the end, the most important person in your life is you. YOU are the one who can make the changes in YOUR life. Gain that control and run with it. 

We are all constantly going through many changes in our lives. I want to be a helping hand. Just remember, I am no expert in life. I do not have all the answers to every single problem, but I can try my best to give my own advice for certain situations I have been in. I will leave this intro with my favorite quote. Never stop being who you truly are because you are worth it. I hope to see you all in future articles! 

And if you don’t like me as I do you; I understand

Because who would really choose a daisy, in a field of roses?

Danielle Stehle (STAY-lee) is the Wellness Intern at Her Campus. She explores the different areas under the wellness vertical including physical health, mental health, and sex & relationships to create a fun & comfortable atmosphere for those who want to learn more. Currently, she is finishing her undergraduate degree in journalism at Kent State University with a minor in creative writing. She plans to travel to Europe to further her education by continuing through graduate school focusing on publishing. She wants to improve her writing in hopes to inform and inspire others. She works alongside the education abroad team at Kent State to create opportunities for students who want to have a taste of the world around them. Outside of Her Campus, she is always willing to find new parts of herself to embrace. She has fallen in love with Italy so you will always hear a "ding" from Duolingo. If she is not writing, you can find her head in a book, lifting serious weight at the gym, or sharing her feral self on her TikTok.