Dear Little Brother and Sister,
I miss you guys! I haven’t been home since I started my second semester of college, but I want to let you know that I’ve been thinking about you. It’s hard being away from you guys and Mom and Dad sometimes–– I miss when we all had dinner together at the dining room table multiple times a week, I miss driving to Grandma’s house at random times with you both, I miss our trips to Target, and I miss when we were little and I would teach you the gymnastics tricks I was learning at practice. But, I’m so excited to watch you both grow up, even though I’m away from home and can’t see you as much as I wish I could. I am proud of both of you for being the smart and kind people you both are! Next time I see you guys, we are definitely getting ice cream, and I’ll let you both pick the music to play in the car. I love you, and I can’t wait to see you next time I come home!
Your Big Sister
Dear Little Sister,
I still can’t believe you’re in high school already! Thank you for always being ready to go get smoothies with me, for calling me with the latest gossip and for sending me memes that make you laugh. I hope the rest of your freshman year is going well, and I’ll see you soon!
Your Big Sister
Dear Little Brother,
I remember when I first came to college and you would Facetime me almost every day; it was adorable, and I honestly kind of miss it. I hope that you are also having a great year and that soccer is still going well. Thank you for making me laugh and always cheering me up when I’m sad. I’ll see you soon!
Your Big Sister