Twitter has been abuzz with news that iconic designer, Lilly Pulitzer is launching a line at Target this April. The collection will include over 200 pieces and 15 totally new prints designed exclusively for Target. Good news! Right??
Many are thrilled at the chance to grab up some affordable Lilly beachwear, but others are caught up in a controversy surrounding the availability of plus sizes in stores. In response to a customer’s question, Target recently tweeted that plus sizes of the Lilly Pulitzer clothing will only be available online. A number of existing retailers limit their stock in stores, but the Lilly collection has drawn a lot of attention. This comes as a surprise to some because, in reality, Lilly Pulitzer for Target will be one of the first collaborations to offer plus sizes at all.
It could be that the announcement came at a bad time. Just this past November, Old Navy was accused of charging women more for plus-sized clothing, but keeping prices equal for men. This raised a lot of questions about not only sizing ethics, but gender rights. It does not appear that Target will be charging any more for plus sizes, and the collection is only for women and girls.
According to an article from E! Online, some women felt that Target didn’t explicitly state that plus sizes would be available. Had it not been for that tweet, they said, they wouldn’t have even known. Target has had some trouble in the PR department in the past; think credit card scandal circa 2014. Hopefully they will be able to learn from their mistakes and communicate with customers more clearly in the future.
Keep in mind that clothing is a small portion of the Lilly Pulitzer for Target line. The collection will include outdoor living essentials, accessories, home dĂ©cor, travel items, and more! May warmer weather get here soon and let there be Lilly.     Â