Name: Samantha Johnson
Year: Junior
Major: Fashion merchandising
Her Campus: What are you involved in on campus?
Samantha Johnson: I am an RA, a member of Phi Mu, a fashion school student ambassador, a member of the honors college and a writer for The Odyssey.
HC: What ideas do you have for your new position on USG?
SJ: Considering that I am new to the position my ideas are very limited, but I’m excited to learn more so that I can come up with new ideas. I am interested in making the College of the Arts more of a community for students. All of the buildings in this college are spread out so students have a hard time meeting others in the same college, for example fashion students hardly ever meet theatre majors because they are so far apart on campus.
HC: How do you balance being an RA, being in a sorority and other organizations?
SJ: Time management. I always try to prioritize what I need to. I organize my time so that I can get everything accomplished and not be completely stressed. I always have to make time to hang out with my friends, and binge watch my favorite shows on Netflix.
HC: What do you like to do in your free time?
SJ: What’s free time? Just kidding, but when I do have free time I love to explore new places. As clichĂ© as that might be it’s true. If I have time to find a hidden trail or a small town restaurant I’ve never been to, I’ll do it.
HC: What is your favorite spot on campus?
SJ: Koonce Hall. I’ve spent the last three years in that building and it’s where I’ve made the best memories. It’s my home away from home and has led me to so many important things that are now in my life.
HC: What advice would you give your freshman year self?
SJ: Focus on yourself and everything else will just come to you. I truly believe that your time in college is the best time to focus on you, and who you want to be. It’s a time in everyone’s life where we change so much as people, and I think that it’s important to see how you change, and decide who you want to be as a person and where you want to go in life.
HC: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
SJ: My mom has always encouraged me to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I guess that’s why I’m so involved on campus. I joined Phi Mu, I studied abroad twice, I write weekly articles for The Odyssey, these are all things that I am incredibly passionate about and I would have never found them if I didn’t take advantage of the opportunities when they were presented to me. There are plenty of opportunities that didn’t work out, but I believe that led me to better things.
HC: What song was last playing on your phone?
SJ: Movie by Hoodie Allen
HC: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? And why
SJ: Australia, probably because I volunteered at The Columbus Zoo for three years, and I would love to see all the animals there. Not to mention, it’s a beautiful place with so much to explore!
Follow Samantha on social media:
Instagram: @samjohnson13
Twitter: @Sam_Johnson13