When in college your spending budget can get tight, whether you’re paying for school, buying groceries every week, or having to constantly fill up your car with gas. Having extra money to buy things online isn’t always an option. Since I am a fashion major, I am always adapting my style and wanting new items to add to my closet. My shopping addiction says yes, but my bank account says no. Luckily I’ve found a few ways to help save myself some cash while also feeding my love for fashion. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you save some money when online shopping:
Unidays is a website that has a ton of coupon codes and deals for college students with many different categories from fashion to lifestyle and fitness. It’s free to sign up for, and all you need to do is verify that you are a student with your school email. I constantly check this site before I purchase items online to see if they have any deals. With offers from stores like H&M to Nasty Gal, Unidays has amazing sales that will make you feel guilty about your latest online haul.Â
Shoptagr is a great tool to use when online shopping. It is an extension you install on your web browser that allows you to save items from a wide variety of websites, then sending you notifications when they go on sale. I am always looking at new trends and items online, but they can cost too much at first, so I love using Shoptagr to let me know when things I’ve had my eye out for have gone down in price. The site is so nice because you can organize your saves in different categories, allowing for easy navigation and a better way to look at your wants. Although this isn’t an instant deal, it is a great tool to have if you are contemplating on making a purchase.Â
Ebates is another extension tool you can install on your web browser that allows you to get cash back on a lot of websites you probably already shop on. All you have to do is make sure that it is activated when shopping on your favorite site and when you make purchases online, it automatically adds cash into your account. You then get checks in the mail throughout the year, so it’s almost like you’re getting paid to shop! At first it may not seem like you are saving a whole lot, but it really adds up over time and it’s always a nice surprise to get some extra money in the mail every so often.Â
If you like to online shop and want to start shopping smart, be sure to use one of these tricks to help save those extra few dollars!