Everyone knows what social media is and the advantages and disadvantages of using it. So, that’s not what I am going to talk about. I want to address the vortex of thoughts running through your mind every time you open social media. For me, this is what happens: I think about how many followers I have, who follows me, why does he/she not follow me? Why do I not have as many likes as her? Why has he not liked my picture yet? Of all my likes, how many guys liked my picture or status? Do I send a cute or ugly snap chat to him?
Continue reading if your brain is wired the same.
Social media has the tendency of instilling emotional and mental negativity, such as feelings of insecurity and irrelevancy, in its users. In Michael Seidlinger’s BuzzFeed article, “Every Day I Want To Quit Social Media,” he says, “I am forever judging myself by my social media performance.” Although almost everyone is at fault for this, including myself, this is not the way we should live: basing our self worth due to social media.
Yes, you seem popular and cool for having over 200 likes, 20 retweets or 2,000 followers. However, if you sit back and really think about it, those numbers do not mean much. I’m not saying you are not deserving of that many likes, retweets or followers — good for you. I’m saying, do not judge your character, self worth or personality because your numbers do not match the girl next to you.
You should not, I repeat SHOULD NOT, allow yourself to dive into a whirlwind of negativity because he didn’t like your selfie, watch your snap story or you didn’t get as many likes or retweets on your selfie as you did with a picture of your friends. This “craziness” that accompanies social media is an unnecessary burden on your everyday life. Continue using social media, it is a great tool, don’t get me wrong, but try to end the self-loathing that tends to come with the social media territory; you will be happier, guaranteed! I know that’s easier said then done, but if you try everyday, you will eventually become a happier social media user.
Part two of what I want to address is that social media can be a misguided tool that allows men, women and teens to fall in a trap of idolizing perfect moments that are captured instead of reality. Lets be honest, 99% of the time, people post a picture of themselves at a time when their squad, wardrobe, hair, etc. are #goals, or when their ‘eyebrows are on fleek.’ People upload the best version of a moment in time with a little help from filters. Everyone does it; it is human nature. So, skimming through social media and becoming jealous is normal, but do not let it consume you and allow you to fall into the envy trap of comparing your life to someone’s social media life.
With all of that being said, social media is a great thing, if you use it right. I’m not here bashing social media. I’m here creating awareness and encouraging everyone to base their self-worth on more than just social media. You are better than that, try not to forget it.