“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” is an iconic TV show from the late 90s that follows Buffy Summers. As a high school girl who also happens to be the Slayer, (the chosen one who alone will stand against the forces of darkness) her life can get quite complicated. The nostalgic show has countless qualities that make it worth the watch, but here are my personal top five reasons why everyone should watch “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
- The Gang
Whether you hate them or love them, every character has their moments. And without her team by her side, Buffy couldn’t save the world and turn in her English report the next day! Watching each character grow throughout the show is a wild ride that’s sure to keep you wondering what could possibly be next.
- Forbidden Love
The Slayer is in love with a vampire?! Yep, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Throughout the series, Buffy dates a variety of boys, each more mysterious than the last. However, I’ll always be an Angel girl myself… and don’t even get me started on their theme song! *Swoon*
- Take you Wardrobe to the Next Level
Buffy sports some of the most iconic fits of the 90s. From platform sandals to brown satin, you are sure to find a look that resonates with your own. Whether you take inspiration or recreate whole looks, you’ll be ready to kick some blood-sucking ass no matter where you go!
- Demons, and Monsters, and Vampires, Oh My
Throughout the series, Buffy faces some pretty scary and tough adversaries. Each episode features a unique problem that she must solve, preferably before the world ends. Along the way, you might even meet some series regulars… cue Spike!
- Be an Insider
If you like pop culture and want something “retro” to call your own, now’s the time to start watching Buffy. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon, start it yourself! Trust me, all your friends will thank you.