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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

It’s spring, and that means it’s time for spring cleaning. For college students, however, cleaning usually rounds out the bottom of the priority list — trust me, I know. I’m more worried about class as opposed to my ever-growing pile of dishes. It all comes down to time and resources. Luckily, it is possible to tidy up your space with household items and a few minutes. Here are seven hacks to keep your space clean!

Use dryer sheets as air freshener

Attach a few dryer sheets to an air conditioner unit or fan and let the air circulate to create a nice pleasant smelling room.



Remove stains with baking soda and vinegar

It’s college – your carpet is going to be abused. Liquids of all sorts will take a toll on your floor.  If you don’t want any fees at the end of the year or any unwanted and lingering smells, then remove those stains as soon as possible by pouring a vinegar directly onto them. Pour baking powder on top of that. Scrub the area lightly and the stain should be removed.


Duct tape your carpet

Not everyone has the space to keep a vacuum cleaner in their room. Simply use the sticky side of  duct tape to pick up any noticeable hair, crumbs, or pebbles from your carpet.

Make your bed

Ok. So, it’s a no-brainer, but I will be the first to admit that I don’t do this as often as I should. Throw the covers over the bed if you have time in the morning.


Clean up cramped spaces

If you ever feel like your keyboard or spaces between your blinds are collecting dust, grab an old toothbrush and wipe away dust and debris.


Exfoliate away grime

A nice soak in the tub can do wonders for the body. The resulting bathtub rings are, however, not so cool, but they can be removed. Using a cut grapefruit dipped in salt, scrub the areas until the grime comes off!

Microwave away the mess

Make the inside of your microwave sparkle by nuking equal amounts of vinegar and water in a microwave safe bowl for 5-10 minutes. Add a small wooden object like a toothpick to the bowl to prevent any serious explosion. Wipe the surfaces clean with a paper towel.


And those are my seven tips! Hopefully these will help you keep your dorm/apartment squeaky clean until the end of the semester.


Image credits: Giphy