Nickname: Chewie
Age: 2 years old
Hometown: Bloomington, Indiana
Major: Leisure Studies
Campus Activities: Being adorable, walking on Middle Path, bringing joy to music students in Storer lounge, wearing sweaters
HCK: Hi Chewie! You’re pretty well known around campus as one of the cutest dogs ever. How does it feel?
Chewie: It feels pretty deserved.
HCK: What is your favorite thing about Kenyon?
Chewie: I like that most of the students on the path like to pet me! And that the music students play with me in the lounge.
HCK: So if a student sees you on campus, do you want them to pet you?
Chewie: YES!!!!!!!!
HCK: Do you enjoy hanging out in the music lounge with all the music students? What kind of stuff do you guys do?
Chewie: We run, jump, laugh, and play. We just run around all day.
HCK: In addition to be totally adorable, you also have a reputation for being very stylish. What is your favorite outfit to wear?
Chewie: My Chewbacca jacket, for which I am named. My mom bought the jacket before she even had me!
HCK: Do you have any fashion advice for other dogs on campus?
Chewie: Be yourself, don’t care what others think, and if you think someone is making fun of you, they’re probably not. They’re probably squeeing over how cute you are. Also, find a wealthy pet parent to fund your wardrobe.
HCK: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Chewie: A hot dog! My mom said I didn’t really need a costume (because I’m already a hot dog, if you know what I mean) but I got one anyway.
HCK: What do you like to do in your free time?
Chewie: Mostly nap. And also eat, beg for human food, eat human food, and play with toys. I also practice tricks, though that’s really hard.
HCK: What’s your favorite toy to play with?
Chewie: There’s this really fat, round owl that I love to play with! I’ve chewed off the eyes. I also chew the left one off first, then the right. I love stuffed animals with plastic eyes!
HCK: You live in a very musical family. Do you enjoy playing music too?
Chewie: I’ll sing along if it gets loud enough!
HCK: Who is your favorite composer?
Chewie: My mom!
Thanks, Chewie! Can’t wait to see you walking down Middle Path or hanging out in Storer lounge!
Be sure to check out our interview with Chewie’s mom, Professor Chelsey Hamm!
Image Credit: Drew Meeker (featured image), Lexi Bollis, Chelsey Hamm