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The Chaos of Bid Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Last Wednesday night was an emotion-ridden one for many eager freshmen awaiting bids from the Greek organizations of their choice. Doors were slammed, tears were cried, and squeals of joy echoed throughout the dorm halls. The EDMs were the first to come through the freshmen dorms dressed up in their signature cranberry. The Zetas were next, parading around campus chanting. The Kappas and Thetas quickly followed, both flaunting their musical talents (an original rap and kazoo blowing, respectively). Unlike at big universities, Greek life at Kenyon does not dominate the social scene, but the majority of sorority rushees still get a bit caught up in the hysteria. As a rushee myself, I can sympathize with their anxiety. Was that the longest 48 hours of your life? But don’t fear pledges, the chaos of bid night was worth it! Here are something of the good times we have to look forward to in the next few weeks: 

  1. Big/Little Reveal: I already have an older sister. Regardless, I am excited to be given a new one. Everyone needs a family away from home. 

  1. When There Are Free Baked Goods at a Sorority Event: Shout out to the Kappa Kookies and Zeta’s infamous spinach dip. Nothing turns a bad day around like homemade snacks.


  1. When Someone Bad Mouths One of Your Sorority Sisters: As they say, blood is thicker than water. Beware of a proud pledge!


  1. Sorority Squats

Let the squatting begin!



Ally Bruschi is a senior political science major at Kenyon College. She spent this past summer interning as a writer with both The Daily Meal, a digital media group  dedicated to "all things food and drink" and The Borgen Project, a non-profit organization that partners with U.S. policymakers to alleviate global poverty. Before entering the "real world" of jobs, however, Ally spent many summers as a counselor at an all-girls summer camp in Vermont, aka the most wonderful place on earth. A good book, a jar of peanut butter, a well-crafted Spotify playlist, and a lazy dog could get her through even the worst of days.