We’re in the home stretch, Kenyon; there are only a few weeks left before the semester is over. The period between Thanksgiving and Winter break can be a stressful one: everyone has all of their final assignments due, and we’re all stressed about our final exams. But, this is also a fun time of year! Now that Thanksgiving has passed, we can finally fully dive into the holiday season. So, before you leave for Winter Break, take a little break from your work to celebrate the holidays with your friends here. Here are some suggestions for things you can do:
Organize a Secret Santa
Secret Santa exchanges are perfect for college because everyone gets a gift, but no one has to spend a ton of money buying gifts for each member of their friend group. They’re also a ton of fun since you don’t know who is buying/making you a gift, and you must also keep the gift you’re giving a surprise. And, you don’t have to spend a ton of money on gifts either—you can set a low spending limit so that no one has a gift that’s much nicer than anyone else’s. You can also definitely make a really nice, heartfelt gift at a minimal cost. An easy way I’ve been setting up Secret Santa exchanges is using the website Elfster. The site randomly assigns who you give a gift to and allows you to create a wish-list that the person who draws your name will see.
Host a Holiday Music Dance Party
Some people love holiday music and some people hate it, but I’m all about embracing it for the holiday season. If you’re in need of a fun event to host for your friends or just need a quick study break during exam week, host a holiday music dance party. It’s guaranteed to put you in a better mood and make you (even more) excited for the upcoming holiday break. Plus, it’s an excuse to silly-dance with your friends! Who doesn’t want to dance around to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You?”
Bake Some Christmas/Holiday Cookies
The holiday season is all about food, so why not start baking while at Kenyon? Make some Christmas or holiday cookies with your friends or bake your favorite holiday pie. Baking is a great way to de-stress and enjoy some quality time with your friends, and cookies are super easy to make. The sweets will be the motivation you need to finish that last bit of work, and they will keep you cheery as the weather gets colder.
Celebrate The Beginning of Hanukkah
Hanukkah starts during finals week this year (the night of December 12th), which is disappointing to anyone who celebrates. Two years ago, Hanukkah happened exclusively during the school week, and it sucked not being able to celebrate at home with my family. Cheer up your Jewish friends this year by celebrating a night of Hanukkah with them! I know I plan on trying to teach my friends how to make latkes (potato pancakes) and lighting my fake, wooden menorah (since we can’t light any real ones). Hillel also hosts a party during Hanukkah that is always fun to go to, with latkes and yummy desserts.
The last bit of the semester doesn’t have to be all stress and work. Make sure you take a little time to have fun with your friends and celebrate before break starts!
Image Credit: Feature, 1, 2, Writer’s Own