I used to be someone who silently stood by while my friends rifled through the drawers and walls of Victoria’s Secret. I thought it was frivolous to spend $40 on something no one would at least be regularly seeing except me.
But now I can’t stop buying bras.
Ever since bras have become my obsession (well, maybe second to cups), I have realized three things:
#1. Bralettes are perfect creations and should be protected at all costs.
#2. Shopping the semi-annual sale makes Victoria’s Secret way more affordable. I get their emails too about other sales throughout the year.
#3. H&M makes incredibly cute and comfy lingerie for a way cheaper cost.
But, I think the thing that I have gained most from my bra buying obsession is that wearing a bra that’s comfortable and cute can be a huge boost to one’s self-confidence. Even if the only person seeing you in your underwear is you, sometimes it’s nice to do a little dance in your underpants and feel really good about it. Over winter break, I bought a pink bra from H&M. When I was trying it on in the dressing room, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to strike a little bit of a pose and Tyra Banks smize. (All those years of watching America’s Next Top Model have really paid off.) It feels good to feel good in your own skin. And, the right bra can give you a little boost, in more ways than one.
Over winter break, I bought five bras, well, two bralettes and three bras. Three came from the Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale, one came from H&M, and the other I threw too much money down on at PINK because it was tie-dye and I wanted it on my body immediately. Like I discussed in my cup article, sometimes frivolity is okay, but even more so when it’s something that you’re putting on like a bra. A good bra is like a good friend: supportive and makes you feel good about yourself, even when you’re feeling down.
My friend Katie is a studio art major and recently took photos of me and my friend Erin in bralettes for a project. I initially thought I would feel self-conscious. Honestly, dancing around and posing in my lil blue bralette felt good. It felt empowering.
(pc: Katie Lensmeyer)
As someone with boobs, I pretty much wear a bra every day. So, even though people might not see how cute or funky or interesting your bra is, like they would with a t-shirt or a dress, it’s okay to spend money on something that’s going to make you feel good. And, even if you have a partner, the only reason to buy fun undies doesn’t have to be for them! Even people in relationships deserve to buy sexy things just for themselves.
A lot of this past year has been me learning to be okay with my silliness, my proclivities, and with my bodies. My bra buying habit encompasses all those things. Shop responsibly, but don’t forget that making yourself feel awesome isn’t a bad priority to have… even if that means carrying a striped pink bag home twice in two weeks.
Image Credit: Feature,1, Katie Lensmeyer, 2