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It’s the Most Gunderful Time of the Year: Top Procrastination URLs pt. 1

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Coffee is pouring. Tears are flowing.Ā Printers are jamming. The line at the market is growing.
It’s the most Gunderful time of the year!Ā Here’s our first round of procrastination tools to get you into the swing of all-nighter season:

1. If you really want to commit to your all-nighter, go ahead and watch all of her videos. #worthit

2. www.gofugyourself.com

3. You don’t have enough time to watch aĀ Parks and RecĀ episode, but you can get a little dose of Tommy Timberlake here.

4. If you’ve been living under a rock: textsfrombennett.tumblr.com

5. You don’t have to be studying for English Renaissance Theatre to love this one, amirite?!

Now get back to work!

Caroline Black is a senior Drama major at Kenyon College. In addition to co-founding and writing for her school's HC branch, Caroline is co-president of Beer and Sex, Kenyon's student-run freshman orientation program (and she enjoys making jokes about that title as much as you do). When she's not doing hippy-dippy acting warm-ups or volunteering with her service organization, The Archon Society, Caroline enjoys watching "Parks and Recreation" and dismaying her friends with terrible puns.