When I first decided to attend Kenyon, I remember my dad worrying about me being able to keep up my Jewish faith here.
“You’re going to rural Ohio,” he would complain, believing that meant that there wouldn’t be many Jews here, especially compared to our home right outside of DC.
“But it’s a college,” I would respond, rolling my eyes at him and assuring him that there would indeed be other Jewish people at Kenyon for me to attend High Holiday services with. And I was right; not only are there High Holiday services here, but we also have quite a lot of Jewish life and activities at Kenyon thanks to Hillel, the group on campus that sponsors Jewish life for students, faculty, and the Gambier community.
One of the first events I went to that was sponsored by Hillel was their Friday night Shabbat dinner, which they host every other week. It was great to have some home-cooked food and get to meet and talk to other Jewish students on campus.
Hillel also sponsors the High Holidays at Kenyon, which consist of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) and Yom Kippur (the day of atonement). Before each evening service that began the holiday, Parish House hosted a meal for all who wished to come and celebrate. There were also morning services for the community to observe the two holidays together. Additionally, on Yom Kippur, there was a memorial and concluding service, after which everyone broke the fast together.
It has been wonderful to be able to practice my Jewish faith while here at Kenyon. The sense of community that these events foster has been quite meaningful and rewarding. I’ve met new people through the Jewish activities and services whom I might not have talked to otherwise. It can be difficult celebrating holidays for the first time away from family, and the Jewish holidays have always been a big family event for me. I certainly missed being with them and participating in our family traditions this year, but being able to experience a similar sense of community and spirituality here at my new home was nice. Thanks to everyone at Hillel for making me and everyone else feel so welcome during the High Holidays this year, and I look forward to seeing what is in store for upcoming Jewish holidays, such as Hanukkah and Passover, as well as more Shabbat dinners.