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Love Letter to Peirce

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

There’s one thing that 99% of Kenyon students have in common (and no, it’s not brown hair and glasses.) Where we eat.

Whether it’s for the local foods, Harry Potter-esque Great Hall, the friendly AVI employees, or the sassy Facebook personality, there is something for everybody to love about Peirce Dining Hall.  As we reach the end of a year full of Gourdzilla, Peircegiving, a spicy food contest, and a Cinco de Mayo party just ‘cause, it’s time to give a very necessary thanks to Peirce and the wonderful AVI staff.


Personally, I’ve been especially thankful to Peirce this year because of a newfound dietary restriction.  The AVI employees never make me feel guilty for interrogating them on the contents of the plates, and make special orders with a huge smile on their faces.  On Valentine’s Day this year, I timidly asked a very busy AVI worker for a pizza with a gluten free crust.  Juggling two pots whilst serving up something from the pasta station, she nodded.  I came back ten minutes later to find her offering me a pizza with pepperoni in the shape of a HEART.  Something as little as that made my day.  


In appreciation, I decided to go on a search for the best stories of why Kenyon loves Peirce and asked students for their anonymous and unabashed input. Here’s what they had to say about Peirce: 

 “In the beginning of the year I didn’t quite understand the 8 pm close time thing so I would walk up to Peirce after my late-night workout and stroll confidently through the servery doors to collect some fruit and granola.  The Peirce workers looked at me strangely but allowed me to get my granola every night around 10 pm until one day I realized my mistake.  I’d like to thank Peirce for tolerating my ignorance and fueling my granola addiction.”

“When I was here on a visit day, I wanted mozzarella cheese on my pasta, but I only saw Parmesan. I wondered out loud if Peirce had some, and one of the AVI workers heard me, so she proceeded to search all over the kitchen just to find my favorite cheese. None of the staff members at any of the other colleges even came close to being that helpful. It definitely made me more interested in Kenyon because I could tell that the staff here was so kind. Since then, the AVI workers have proved just as helpful. I never have to feel uncomfortable of burdensome about asking for a spoon (what happened to all of Peirce’s spoons lately???) or a special order at Comfort or International because I know that they will be more than happy to help me.”

“Every once in a while, the AVI workers will give me tips about different foods. One time, there was a special type of bread that my friends and I got so excited about that one of the AVI workers came over and recommended her favorite types of jam to go with it. Personal interactions like that make me love the AVI workers.”

“Once, I found a dollar on the sidewalk, and I always give away change I find, so I decided to give this one away to Richard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him grin so much before! That little interaction just reminded me how important it was to show our appreciation for the AVI workers because even the smallest of thanks can make the biggest of differences.”

“Recently a kind AVI worker taught me how to refill the coffee maker so now I can provide coffee for caffeine deprived students when the coffee maker runs out.”

“An AVI custodian once spent 20 minutes trying to find me a plastic spoon.  He was successful though my soft serve melted during the wait period.  I still thank him.”

“One time I was working on a group project in Peirce Pub. This was around Halloween.  An AVI worker came meandering in wearing a full-on Jester costume.  We were literally the only people in the pub and she wasn’t really doing anything, just showing off her costume.  That same weekend another AVI worker dyed his beard pink.  Love them.”


So there you have it. Thank you to Peirce and the AVI workers for a great year of pink beards, personally designed pizzas, and thousand-pound-gourds.  

Why do you love Peirce? Tell us in the comment section below!




Emma Miller, from Shaker Heights, Ohio,  is a senior Drama major at Kenyon College. She is a co-president of StageFemmes, a Kenyon student theatre organization dedicated to showcasing the talents of women in drama. Emma spends her summers as Assistant Director at a Jewish performing arts camp. Emma is thrilled to be in her second year as co-Campus Correspondent for Kenyon's HC chapter.  Emma was a founding staff member of her high school's online magazine, and her writings have also been published on the FBomb. She is passionate about girls' education, Jimmy Fallon, iced tea, Ireland, Cleveland, and SmartWool socks.