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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Kenyon College has no shortage of self-expression. Despite increasing amounts of stress and decreasing numbers on the thermometer, students continue to look just as well-dressed as they did on the first day of classes. One of the biggest ways that students express themselves is through their hair: man buns, pastel colors, chic bobs, and undercuts are all ways that students convey who they are through their locks.


We went looking for students who expressed themselves through their hair, and we found them! Here is just a small taste of our artistic and vivid student body:


Jacqueleen Eng ‘19

“I just want to be a rich beauty blogger. Is that too much to ask?”

Jacqueleen is laid-back and her hair reflects her chill personality. She says that she does not do much to it apart from wash it every other day and let it air dry. Somehow it’s just naturally that beautiful.


Martha Denne ‘19

Martha learned the hard way that change can be difficult to adjust to. “The color was not what I wanted,” she explained. “It was supposed to be red but it came out purple. It was awful.” At first, Martha said she was horrified by the way her hair came out, especially because she had just recently cut eleven inches from her hair before dyeing it. “It was just a lot of change.”

Eventually, however, she said that the color actually gave her a confidence boost. It’s since faded to an auburn hue, pictured above, but she’s considering dyeing it again, this time pink or green.


Ali Georgescu ‘19

Ali’s hair is incredibly gorgeous by itself, but she has also dyed it a breathtaking shade of shocking pink. Her stunning look gets stares on Middle Path for all the right reasons!


Eve Bromberg ‘19

Eve’s hair is just as New York City – and beautiful – as she is. It’s the perfect accessory to her always dazzling outfits and charming personality. Her hair tip is to freshen up your locks with the occasional homemade avocado treatment.

With the dreary winter months approaching, now is the perfect time to follow in the footsteps of your classmates and change up your hair, whether by dying it something natural, something crazy, or getting an undercut. Pastel colors will definitely brighten up a snowy Middle Path!