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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

As we get deeper into October, we can’t help but embrace the fall season. Besides the clothing and the leaves, we’re met with changes in food too. I love how the dining hall has adapted to the new season with fall-themed desserts that incorporate ingredients like pumpkin, cinnamon, and apple. As a major fall fan, I loved them all, but here’s my ranking to show which ones I loved the most.

5. Pumpkin Brownie

I’m a fan of pumpkin-flavored desserts. I’m a fan of brownies. So I walked into trying this dessert with an open mind and high expectations. Unfortunately, I was met with an interesting mix of unexpected flavors. The brownie itself was soft and chewy with a tasty chocolate flavor. The chocolate within the brownie overpowered the faint pumpkin flavor in the icing. However, paired with the pumpkin, it unsettled my tastebuds. I would say that the brownie on its own or using the pumpkin icing on a different dessert would have been a better use of the flavor. It was just an unexpected combination, but separately, I would have enjoyed it more.

4. Apple Blondie

Although pumpkin flavors in desserts and treats remind me of fall more, this apple blondie did a nice job of fitting in. I think what makes a real fall flavor is the use of spices like cinnamon, which seem to be used in all of the desserts I tried for this ranking. For the apple blondie in particular, I didn’t know how to approach it since I’m not too familiar with blondies. However, with the rich texture and apple flavor — paired with a refreshing, cool frosting on top — this apple blondie did not disappoint.

3. Pumpkin Cake Bar

The pumpkin cake bar lands close to the top on my ranking because of its smooth consistency and strong flavor. Pumpkin can sometimes be an acquired taste, but I think it is the perfect flavor for the fall season. I appreciated the smooth mix of sweet cinnamon and pumpkin to create the cake bar, which was topped with a thick, flavorful frosting. For people who don’t like a lot of pumpkin flavor, it might seem like too much. However, because I’m a huge fan, I thought it was just enough.

2. Cider Donut Bundt Cake

This dessert comes close to the top because of its fulfilling flavor. The cake itself was moist and tasty, like a dessert from home. I think what seemed to be a slight addition of liquid (cider, I assume — at least based on the name) helped the cake hold such a strong sense of moisture. Every bite was soft, thick and cinnamon-y. I’m unsure what kind of cider was used (if any), but it was a feel-good tasty dessert regardless.

1. Apple Cake Bar

Similar to the pumpkin cake bar, this soft square is one of my favorite desserts that I’ve had at Peirce so far. This dessert takes the cake because I’m a big fan of apple flavored treats in general, so I can always appreciate a well-done apple dessert. The bar itself was soft and moist with the perfect hint of cinnamon (like most apple-flavored sweet treats). I also appreciated the lack of crumbliness. The flavor was well contained within the cake bar because it held itself together so well. Along with the bar, there was a smooth apple frosting on top that brought joy to my tastebuds.

Yemaya Gaspard is a first-year student at Kenyon College who is interested in studying Psychology, English (specifically creative writing), and Spanish. Besides writing (both creatively and journalistically), she enjoys giving advice to those who ask for it and listening to music by her favorite artists.