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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

As a Kenyon College student is wont to do, Ríoghnach Robinson, a senior economics major, has just published an amazing novel, Seven Ways We Lie. The book takes us into the heart of Paloma High and all of its secrets; it revolves around seven titular characters, each of whom represents one of the seven deadly sins. Kenyon certainly has its vices, as well, and in honor of this amazing accomplishment by an amazing student, here are the seven deadly sins of Kenyon:



Hooking up with a Denison student. Dance floor make-outs (or, DFMOs) on a beer-soaked Old Kenyon dance floor are perfectly acceptable, but come on, we all have to have our standards.



Rolling into bed after a night out and ordering four orders of mac n cheese wedges (#ripcove). There was nothing better than the certainty of that cheesey goodness — late-night Papa John’s can come close, though.



Taking the last [insert popular food item here] from a busy line at Peirce. I’ve taken the last fry from the Comfort line more often than I’d like to admit.



Driving up the KAC hill after a workout. Sometimes after a run, the thought of walking back up that hill can be too much to bear. Thankfully it only takes a minute if you hop in a trusty car.



Silently fuming after the library printers either refuse to print something you’ve sent four times already, or print at a steady pace of one page a minute. I have wasted an incredible amount of time just waiting for my readings to actually print.



Walking down Middle Path or through Peirce and being jealous of all the incredible outfits. We’re a good-looking campus, the buildings and the students; it’s easy on the eyes but very hard on my wallet.



Wearing a snazzy Kenyon bucket hat with your Kenyon sweatshirt — Kenyon socks optional. It’s just so hard to contain your pride.


Somehow, sins can make school seem so much sweeter (especially the ones involving food). As the school year winds to a close, consider adding a few more sins to your list. And, again, congratulations to Rioghnach for such an incredible first novel and what is sure to be an illustrious career!


Image credits: Youtube, Denison, McCainfoodsources, Kenyon.edu, iyogi,