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The Unwinding Playlist: College Student Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

As a college student, a day can feel like a week and a week like a year. It can be difficult to find your groove, but difficulty does not equal impossibility. It is possible to be a student and human at the same time! I know, that’s crazy— if you’re an overachiever like myself who ends up so burnt out after a day’s work. Here are some helpful tips to help you unwind. 

1.  Have a planned schedule and stick to it

This is a necessary component that will ensure you’re even able to unwind at the end of the day. Make sure your schedule is not too saturated but good enough to help you have the time to rest. In this schedule, you can include times for how long you are going to study or do work and take breaks in between. Try to be disciplined enough to follow through with the things you have listed, because nothing feels better than being able to check everything off your list!

2.  Take a hot shower 

I can‘t emphasize enough how a good, sizzling hot shower is good for your winding down process. An even better upgrade is to try stretching in the shower. I’m not saying you should do full on splits. I mean that you should try rolling your neck and stretching your shoulders to release any tension that has been building up throughout the day. 

3. Eat a relaxing meal 

Umm, food! Yes, food is a major part of the unwinding process. I’m not talking soda and popcorn. I’m saying that you should get yourself a real meal! One that is preferably nutritious and satiating. After eating your awesome meal, you’ll realize how fast your mood can change. 

4.  Read a book or watch a movie

These options are both brilliant ones. I most prefer to read a book, though! However, based on how you’re feeling you can do either option. Reading a book helps your mind to relax and it has actually been found that reading fiction helps to reduce stress! You can also watch a movie. I would recommend something that’s not too busy, such as a rom com, but this is just my opinion. Who knows, maybe action movies help you relax— I am absolutely not judging. 

5. Journal 

If you love to write, a very easy way to add to your unwinding process may be to write. Simply create a written map of everything that transpired in the day. This can serve as a helpful emotional outlet, especially if your day did not go as great as you had hoped. 

6. Listen to some good uplifting music

Nothing beats a good playlist. To unwind, you might want to listen to some classical music or jazz. Other music genres that most people generally gravitate towards to relax are gospel music, my personal favorite, and inspirational music. Music has a way of connecting to your soul that is so meaningful. You also might want to listen to your favorite song! 

7. Turn off all social media notifications

We live in an era of constant partial attention and it is very easy to lose focus when you have your social media notifications pinging and ponging every two seconds. As you unwind, please do yourself a favor and mute that group chat. Winding down time is time to pay attention to yourself and relieve your stress.

8. Good ol’ sleep 

Of course we cannot forget our good friend, sleep. After implementing any of the above tips, sleep will be the bow that wraps it all up! Get yourself into some comfortable night attire/pajamas/whatever makes you comfortable and rest those beautiful eyes! 

These are a few tips, tested and proved to be helpful by me. I hope this helps anyone who needs a way to decompress, especially when it hits finals weeks and everything feels so overwhelming. Rapper Stormzy said it best, “you just chase your dreams, you don’t even take the time to breathe, don’t forget to breathe.” Breathe, lovely readers, breathe. Have a great rest of the week!

Samantha is a freshman at Kenyon College. Reading is never a chore and writing is one of the many things that keep her sane. She is the author of the blog named, " Tales from Sammy". She hopes to be a published writer one day with a New York Times Bestseller’s Title. She also enjoys drinking tea and eating chocolate chip cookies!