Any of you who have ever seen Parks and Recreation know that Tom Haverford has the best ideas (#snakejuice, #djroomba), and last week he hit us with his latest:
For those of you recovering from midterms or in need of a little post-family-weekend stress release, I give you Treat Yo Self 2011: Kenyon Edition.
1. The special at the Deli. How many times have you walked past that blackboard and considered the piña colada pancakes with rum-infused syrup? TREAT YO SELF.
2. Mani/pedi in the Vern. Nailz 4 U & Hair offers an hour-long pedi for a reasonable $35. Gossip and zebra-striped cushions are free. TREAT YO SELF. (300 Tilden Ave, Mount Vernon, OH 43050-8020; (740) 393-1155)
3. The Pretty Little Liars Halloween “event.” Put down that philosophy reading and find out what’s going on with A (and with Ally’s wig). TREAT YO SELF.
4. The Mean Girls Table in Peirce. Hit up burger blowout and park yourself at the round table in Old Side for some regal feasting. TREAT YO SELF.
5. This:Â Follow Cutie Andrew Tint’s lead and flaunt those glutes. TREAT YO SELF.