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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

As any TV addict knows, college takes away a lot of quality TV watching time. Lucky for you, Thanksgiving Break is right around the corner. A whole week without classes! It’s a great time to catch up with the faves you left behind when summer ended.  Got time in your busy schedule to start something new? Here are some ongoing shows to get started on.

Start now, watch all year…

1. Brooklyn 99

Andy Samberg in a sitcom about cops produced by the creator of Parks and Recreation. Need I say more? In case I do, this is one of those rare shows that actually hits its stride in the first season and is still going strong in its third season. If you’re a fan of sitcoms, Andy Samberg, or cop shows this is the way to go.

2. Castle

If you’re the kind of person that hates it when shows end this is for you. Well into its 8th season this is a long one. It’s definitely on the decline now (the creator left the show), but still a fun watch for the murder mystery fan.

3. Jane the Virgin

This is the kind of show that starts as I’ll just put that on in the background and becomes something you are (somewhat embarrassingly) completely addicted to. Straddling the line between spoof of a telenovela and actual telenovela, both the humor and drama of this show is way over the top and it’s highly entertaining.

And for those who like to binge…

Master of None

Created by and starring Aziz Ansari, this is a show about the struggles of everyday life. It was just released last weekend so it’s something of a wildcard, but it looks very promising and has scores of good reviews. If I had to guess, I’d say this is the show people will be talking about when we get back.

And there’s always…


You always have SNL to watch. It’s the universal constant. There may be an infinite number of parallel universes, but there is not a single one where you have seen every episode of SNL. Unless you’re Lorne Michaels. In which case, thank you for reading this, sir.

Which TV show will you choose to watch over Break?


Image Sources: Giphy.com




Claire Smith is a senior at Kenyon College in Ohio working towards a degree in English. She hopes to have a career writing and editing and over the past few years has contributed articles to Escalating Registers, Madison House Autism Foundation and Geek Insider.