I don’t know about you but I can’t go on any social media platform without seeing a dead turtle wrapped in plastic or skinny polar bears standing on dirt rather than snow. It’s so so so depressing! It’s no secret that things need to change before our Earth becomes a hot garbage pit. I’ve never really been the super eco-friendly, tree-hugger type, but we are in a time where everyone needs to be. There are plenty of small changes that you can make that will have an impact on the future of our planet. I challenge YOU to do at least 5 things on this list. Let’s save our Earth!
Use reusable water bottles, coffee mugs, lunch containers, etc.
Participate in meatless mondays and try to be vegetarian for one day a week.
Buy rechargeable batteries or learn how to dispose of old batteries properly.
Change light bulbs to LED instead of incandescent bulbs.
Use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
Do laundry with cold water and only wash when there is enough laundry for a whole load.
Shave with metal razors, rather than plastic ones.
Conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing teeth, etc.
STOP LITTERING. Not gum. Not a wrapper. Nothing.
Unplug electronics when they aren’t in use.
Don’t throw away recyclables.
Image credit: http://cms.leoncountyfl.gov/Home/Departments/Office-of-Resource-Stewards…
12. Make an effort to walk or bike, as opposed to driving, when only going a short distance.
13. Reuse wrapping paper or newspaper when wrapping gifts.
14. Remove yourself from junk mail lists to reduce the amount of unnecessary paper waste.
15. Try to reduce the amount of Q-tips, makeup remover wipes, cotton rounds, etc. you use.
16. Use cruise control when on highways to go through less gas.
17. Alter your thermostat to be a couple degrees warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter.
18. Visit farmers markets and buy local when possible.
Image credit: https://calexicolibrary.org/farmers
19. Use matches over lighters.
20. Do as much online as possible like paying bills or downloading tickets.
21. Use organic alternatives for things like makeup, clothing, bed sheets, food, etc.
22. Make an effort to produce less garbage.
23. Try to donate things like clothing, cell phones, and old paint rather than throw them away.
24. Request no straws at restaurants.
25. Share these tips with other people!
image credit: https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/save-the-world-there-is-no-planet-b-thi…