Boys. Guys. Men. All of these have the same reproductive part, hopefully, but there is one major difference between them: age. When it comes to dating, does it really matter what their age is? Would it bug you if he were older than you? The norm for society is for a girl to date older than her, and as college students, we know many girls who date guys that are the same age or same grade as her, but what happens when it comes to the guy being younger than the girl? The first thing is that there would be so many more pet names: kid, kiddo and munchkin. After the initial love of having more creative names than the rest of the old geezers, what happens?
It has always been said that men mature at a slower rate than women. For dating younger’s sake, this means that instead of dating a guy who’s two or three years younger than you, he would be much farther behind in maturity level. This may not be true for all guys, but saying this is, there is a fine line between dating a guy and taking care of a guy.Â
If the maturity level is good to go, there are still other things to consider. First, the infamous nickname given to women who date younger: cougar. Are you okay with being affiliated with this name?Â
Getting down and dirty, you’re older and may have been around the block a few more times than the new beau. With him being younger, he may be less experienced than you sexually. Sex is on a completely different level of importance for each person; if this does not pertain to you, then disregard this section. If sex is a prominent part of your relationship and your younger man does seem to be lacking a little bit, this could be a great opportunity to take the reigns and teach him some new tricks. You may not have the patience for that, though, which means that it’s probably a don’t for the youngins. Â
Another extremely important thing to think about before getting attached to this younger man is if he is actually ready for the same commitment that you need or want. Once you fall, it’s hard to get him off your mind and he may still need to get some sluttiness out of his system. It’s hard to watch any ex with a new girl, but think about if it would be harder to watch a boy younger than you reject you and then hook up with a bunch of other girls. Be sure that you don’t meet him at your favorite bar because it would be even more sad if you have to ditch your safe haven, especially in a time of much needed alcohol therapy. Â
The innocence of a younger man can be such a turn on, but it can also get old really fast. Know what you want before you get into things, and it may just be that you really love the attention that he gives you. If that’s the case, make him chase you, but if you want a relationship, make him chase you. The bottom line with younger men is if you’re more of a mother than a lover, then dating younger is a definite don’t.