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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Getting Back to Being Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


Breakups are never easy. The road to recovery can be a long and painful one, but eventually you do get over it. And once you are over the worst parts of your breakup journey, you realize it is time to move on, and you start remembering all the fun parts of being single. You start to recall all of the freedom being single has that didn’t come in a relationship and that it does in fact have its perks.


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Partying while you’re single versus when you’re in a relationship are two totally different experiences. As someone who was in a long distance relationship, I was always making sure I didn’t get too drunk or didn’t go too long without answering her texts.


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Have you ever been in a relationship in which your significant other absolutely cannot stand one of your good friends and is always jealous when you hang out? You’d kind of feel bad for hanging out with them but at the same time you’d say screw it. It’s a nice not having that constant conflict anymore.


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I’m not saying I missed one night stands, but let’s be honest, they can definitely be fun from time to time. Why not enjoy the occasional one while I’m single?


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I hate texting, I really do. I hate any form of contact in which I constantly have to be on my phone and it takes me away from what is going on around me. Being in a relationship, especially a long distance one, can cause this from time to time. It is so nice to be able to just put the phone away and not worry about who it is that is trying to contact you.


There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship or being single. Both of them have their own entirely different upsides and downsides. However, being two months out of a long relationship, it’s fun to realize some of the things you can do now that you couldn’t while dating someone. Sure, you’re not going to stay single forever, so why not enjoy these perks of singledom while you can?


Hello all! My name is Emma Verdonik and I am a senior in her final year of studying at the University of Kansas. I am an English major who loves writing about all sorts of subjects and wants you to read what I have to say. Enjoy!